The Save Face Register Goes Live

Lorna Jackson
By Lorna Jackson

Lorna was Editor of Consulting Room (, the UK's largest aesthetic information website, from 2003 to 2021.

For the first time in the UK, people have access to a free register of practitioners who have been accredited as safe and qualified to carry out non-surgical cosmetic treatments like fillers and laser treatments. The move is hoped to banish ‘botch jobs’ and provide better protection for patients.

The Save Face register will go live online on 26 September at , featuring a database of practitioners from every corner of the UK, who have been thoroughly checked and visited to ensure they are fit to practice and administer treatments. It is free to use.

The register has launched in response to huge pressure on the industry to protect patients from unsafe, unscrupulous ‘cowboy’ practitioners. In the UK, anyone can legally carry out treatments like dermal fillers.

Save Face also offers a full support system to both practitioners and patients should anything go wrong, including advice and guidance on how to manage and make a complaint. It only accredits doctors, nurses and dentists that are fully insured to provide maximum protection to patients.

Ashton Honeyball, Director of Save Face, said: “This register empowers the patient for the first time in this industry. They now have somewhere to go to find a safe and qualified person to carry out the treatment they want. They can rest assured that the person they will see has been thoroughly checked, their premises visited and that everything is in place for them to have a safe and professional experience.

For too long, patients have been left in the dark when looking for treatments. It’s not acceptable that they can just fall into the hands of cowboy practitioners offering reduced price treatments that they are not experienced in administering in clinics that are not fit for purpose. Save Face aims to arm the consumer with factual and unbiased information and expert advice and guidance to help them navigate their way to a safe and professional service.

Treatments like fillers have almost become every day beauty treatments for many people, but, in the wrong hands, they are potentially dangerous procedures. I fear that the current figures for bad results are just the tip of the iceberg. Many people are still too ashamed or embarrassed to come forward and speak out when a treatment has gone wrong. As well as helping patients to find a safe practitioner, we are also there to support them if they’ve had a bad experience too.

We want patients to be part of the change in this industry so we are asking them to leave feedback about their experiences with us wherever they can. If something went wrong, we want to know. And we also want to know if a practitioner delivered excellent results. It will help to raise standards across the industry.

Every single day we are adding more and more accredited practitioners to the register so we anticipate the numbers to grow significantly in the coming weeks and months giving patients an even greater choice and a new-found confidence when choosing a practitioner.

The Save Face register is only open to registered doctors, dentists and nurses who can demonstrate that they meet necessary standards for safe and ethical practice. All premises are inspected. Practitioners must operate against best practice standards and have policies and procedures that support this. Save Face works with practitioners to help develop policies and improve standards across the industry.

Also look for the Save Face logo in the accreditations section of many clinics listed on Consulting Room in our Clinic Search pages.


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