Clinic Compliance

Menopause in Aesthetics

The following exert is from our T&Cs explaining how we ensure compliance against each clinic: 

Consulting room will, upon registration by the Subscriber, check for the current and up-to-date registration of key medical personnel (employed by the Subscriber or the Subscriber themselves) with their respective UK professional medical regulatory bodies including, but not limited to, the General Medical Council (GMC), the General Dental Council (GDC), the Nursing & Midwifery Council (NMC) and the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC), and any other appropriate bodies in Ireland. Registration numbers will be stored and appear on the Display for the Subscriber.

Similarly, where locally applicable registerable services are performed by the Subscriber, such as but not limited to, cosmetic surgery, cosmetic and medical laser services and treatment for disease, disorder or injury, in England or devolved nations within the United Kingdom (Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland) or similar in Ireland, Consultingroom will perform checks on certification, and registration numbers will be stored. Any Subscriber applicant in breach of a local territory registration requirement for registerable services will not be permitted as a Subscriber to Consulting Room.

We base our acceptance policy both on our own ethical standards, driven by adherence to best practice and patient safety awareness, and on the current recommendations given by Health Education England (HEE) in November 2015 (Part One: Qualification requirements for delivery of cosmetic procedures: Nonsurgical cosmetic interventions and hair restoration surgery).

For those Subscribers offering non-surgical cosmetic interventions such as prescription-only medicines (POMs) and non-prescription (medical device) cosmetic injectables, including botulinum toxins and dermal fillers, Consultingroom policy will only permit Subscribers to our directory who can demonstrate the operation of a medically-led business model where an independent prescriber and clinical oversight for treatment delivery is in place.

According to the HEE, those health professionals who are eligible to provide clinical oversight for botulinum toxin and dermal filler administration include doctors, dentists, independent nurse prescribers and independent pharmacist prescribers.

Clinical oversight for cosmetic treatments cannot be provided by beauty therapists, dental nurses, orthodontic therapists, dental technicians, pharmacy technicians, pharmacy assistants, optical assistants, laser protection advisors or laser protection supervisors.
We will therefore not permit Subscribers to our directory who are operating a non-medically-led business, carrying out prescription-only and non-prescription cosmetic injectable treatments, such as botulinum toxins and dermal fillers, with non-medical practitioners, using a prescribing service, without the direct supervision and clinical oversight of an independent prescriber with cosmetic treatment training and experience, even if the non-medical Subscriber can demonstrate adequate HEE level 6 or 7 style qualifications.

Menopause in Aesthetics

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