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Hamilton Fraser 2024

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Do you have any product launches, new initiatives or campaigns, product announcements, clinical trials, company launches or any news you think our clinics will want to hear about? 

You can email them for inclusion to our editorial team at

Priority Product Listings currently has over 200 products and treatment FAQs featured. We receive over 1 million unique visits per year from consumers who are seeking information on treatments and products and who want to connect to a trustworthy practitioner offering their desired treatment.

We are currently overhauling each one of our FAQ pages. This revamp will give clinics the chance to link to each product and treatment they offer, breaking each down into key treatment areas over multiple pages, for example, "Botox for Gummy Smiles" and "Botox for Crows Feet" as opposed to having just a single Botox overview page.

As a partner, we will get your products added/updated as a priority.

What Do You Gain From This?

Your product will be more accessible to consumers by utilising the geographical SEO power of to achieve higher search results in Google, as each new product/treatment FAQ alongside images, videos and reviews will be visible to clinics who will link them to their consumer-facing profile.

We will also publish all new FAQs on our consumer blog and on our consumer-facing social media pages:

Advertising to Clinics

We will send a direct email out to our clinics when your products are live, include the new FAQs in our fortnightly digital clinic newsletter and shout about them across our clinic-facing and consumer-facing marketing routes. By asking your current customers to link your product to their clinic and sending your direct sales information to clinics that are not your customers.

We will also publish all new FAQs on our industry blog and on our clinic-facing social media pages:

sell direct

Sell Direct to Consumers?

Alongside enhancing the visibility and web presence of your product, if you have the capability to sell your products directly to consumers, we can incorporate direct links to your shop, making it convenient for customers to purchase your products with just a few clicks.

By providing direct access to your shop, you can streamline the purchasing process and create a seamless shopping experience for your customers. 

Direct-to-consumer sales eliminate the need for intermediaries, allowing customers to browse and buy your products directly from your online store. This convenience can lead to higher customer satisfaction and repeat business.

Control over Customer Experience: Selling direct gives you greater control over the entire customer journey. From product presentation to post-purchase support, you can curate a consistent brand experience and build stronger relationships with your customers.

Become an Adviser

What Is an Adviser?

The role of a Adviser is to verify certain factual pieces of consumer-facing treatment, product or areas of concern information pertinent to their area of expertise. 

Why Be Come an Adviser?

We have over 1 million unique visitors to our site per year, mainly consumers who are seeking information on treatments and products. Adviser profiles are linked to your products, they show that your products are genuine and will answer any questions a potential consumer may have, to give consumers confidence and boost your search engine rankings. Adviser profiles also contain information for clinics to contact you if they are interested in sourcing your products.

Who Should You Choose?

We suggest that the adviser you choose should be an expert in their field who can answer questions from both the public and clinics. You can use one of your KOLs or we can find an adviser for you from one of our clinics who is also an existing customer of yours.


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