The British Association of Sclerotherapists (BAS)

Classifieds CR

Sclerotherapy is a safe and well-established injection treatment for varicose veins, spider veins and thread veins. It is practised by surgeons, doctors, nurses, dentists and beauty therapists under medical supervision.                                                                   

The British Association of Sclerotherapists (BAS) is the only UK professional organisation dedicated to raising standards and promoting best practice and education in foam sclerotherapy and microsclerotherapy.

About The British Association of Sclerotherapists (BAS)

The Association is a ‘not for profit’ organisation and is run for the benefit of its members.

Foam sclerotherapy as an acceptable alternative to surgery for varicose veins is growing in popularity in the UK and it is likely that, as in the rest of the world individuals with a particular interest in venous disease will emerge as a distinct group. Phlebologists come from diverse backgrounds including vascular, dermatology, general surgery, nursing etc. and may be working closely with vascular technologists or may develop these skills themselves.

To date, there are no set standards of training/professional development or practice. Although 50% of the population suffers from unsightly thread veins there is virtually no treatment available on the NHS, and GPs have little knowledge of this treatment and cannot refer patients with any confidence because of the lack of established standards.

Members abide by a code of conduct and have access to continuing professional development through annual meetings and regular e-newsletters, mentoring and networking.

The membership is represented and supported by a body of experts whose role is to establish consensus on best practice and inform and educate members, the public and allied health professionals to ensure high standards of treatment are available and accessible. The board meets regularly to address issues of relevance and or concern to members and represents members to all stakeholders.


Our Aims & Benefits

The British Association of Sclerotherapists was established in 2003 with the following goals in mind.

  • Raise and maintain standards of responsible, evidence based practice
  • Draw up guidelines for safe, evidence based practice
  • Establish a code of conduct
  • Promote the safe delegation of treatment to suitably qualified and insured practitioners
  • Assess current training and establish standards through accreditation
  • Promote continued professional development through events, an informative website and other CPD resources
  • Give members access to information on training, conferences and research papers
  • Offer guidance and support to members and inform the public, media and allied health professionals
  • Represent practitioners as a respectable body of experts

The British Association of Sclerotherapists has a growing membership and is proving a popular and credible resource for practitioners and members of the public and media.

Benefits of BAS Membership

  • Benefit from belonging to a community of vein specialists, with access to guidance, support, and shadowing
  • Promote your services through a listing and profile on the BAS website Approved Practitioner Directory
  • Display your credentials through a trusted BAS logo and link on your website, and a membership certificate.
  • Enjoy access to specialist member-only CPD resources including updates, member newsletters, articles, videos
  • Preferential rates for annual conference, workshops, webinars and virtual events
  • Discount on compression stockings
  • Discounted insurance through Hamilton Fraser, and 15% new member discount if you are already insured with Hamilton Fraser.
  • Discounted fee for Hamilton Fraser Cosmetic Redress Scheme
Benefits of Membership

The British Association of Sclerotherapists (BAS) Membership is open to medically qualified individuals over the age of 18 who comply with GMC or NMC rules and guidelines and can demonstrate relevant qualifications and indemnity insurance. BAS members include phlebologists, vascular surgeons, dermatologists, podiatrists (registered with NMC or GMC), aesthetic doctors, dentists and nurses, and vascular nurses. AHP’s and beauty therapists can apply for membership providing they work under the supervision of a medical practitioner.

The annual membership subscription is £140. The application form gives details of how to join and the documentation required to support your application.

The British Association of Sclerotherapists (BAS)

The Secretary,
4 Rose Cottages,
Hurstbourne Tarrant,
Andover, Hants.
SP11 0BB

Telephone: 01264 736500




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