Embracing Differences in Aesthetics

By ConsultingRoom.com

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Karen Sargeant, from Charlie Oscar, shares her experience in gaining a greater understanding of how to support different patient groups.
In an era of diversity and inclusivity, we have to learn a new language to communicate and navigate what might appear to be a difficult path in order to avoid offending or saying the wrong thing.
This navigation is essential for practitioners working in a clinical setting. However, we can easily get it wrong through a lack of understanding and experience with non-stereotypical genders. 
With so many aspects of our business affected by inclusivity and equity, it’s a hot topic that we should seek to embrace and learn more about differences around identity.
From a patient management perspective, there is much to learn. However, at the fundamental core of this learning is an acceptance and willingness to listen and be educated by those who feel unheard and undervalued in a society where difference is often feared or rebuffed.
Having worked in the beauty and medical aesthetics industry for over 30 years, I have been privileged to provide treatments for a wide cross-section of patients.
My hair removal work with laser and IPL devices and electrolysis have given me a great deal of satisfaction. This is mainly because of the diverse group of patients that it attracts and their reasons for seeking treatment which is often medical.
In the ’90s, I worked as an associate lecturer in a large FE training college. One of the modules I taught was electrolysis, and students participated in practical sessions where they would practice their skills on members of the public. This was long before the introduction of lasers and IPLs, which were coming to the market but were extremely expensive. This meant that electrolysis was the only permanent hair removal method readily available. 
One group of patients that sought to have electrolysis was the transgender community and, in particular, those transitioning from a man to a woman. 
So great was the demand for treatment that we made it part of the curriculum. With each new cohort, we would invite our transitioning patients to come and talk about their experiences with our students.
This opened my eyes to their struggles; some of their stories were heartbreaking. Contrary to what we might believe, their journeys are far from easy, and their physical and emotional struggles are often unsupported by family and friends. They often described feelings of loneliness and isolation but knew they had no choice if they were to live their authentic lives. Their personal perspectives ensured that our students gained empathy as well as an understanding of their needs.  
What I learnt from these shared experiences was that we all want to feel valued and accepted.
I also learnt that it’s okay to ask questions. If we don’t understand what language to use or how to address certain topics. Just ask! This doesn’t offend. Quite the reverse, it demonstrates a commitment to professional and emotional development.
Involving patients in our protocols and pathways and asking them what we can do to make them feel more comfortable and welcome is another way of enabling inclusivity. 
A willingness to change our mindset and accept that gender is non-binary is an excellent place to start. Calling out prejudice and ensuring our practice is inclusive should be a priority. This culture will reap the benefits with high patient and practitioner satisfaction.
This article was written for the Consulting Room Magazine.
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