Webinar: Social Media Tips for Aesthetic Clinics

Ron Myers
By Ron Myers

As an Aesthetic Business Coach and Mentor, Ron helps aesthetic clinics and suppliers to maximise their profits.

Many of you will have embraced social media like never before during lockdown with the aim of building your following and engaging with existing and potential customers.

However, many clinic owners still struggle with some of the basics associated with successfully growing their following and then converting them to paying clients.
In this 37-minute webinar I talk to the team at Medico Digital who are a full-service digital agency specialising in the healthcare and aesthetics sector.

They work with a number of healthcare providers and aesthetic clinics in helping them to build their social media profile, and in this webinar we discuss some of the most successful strategies and tips that they use to help their clients - covering the following topics:

  • How to get a handle on the effectiveness of social media as a marketing tool to bring in new clients
  • How to prioritise your presence on different social media platforms
  • Follower count vs actual engagement – what is important and how do you convert followers to customers
  • Business versus personal social media accounts and how ‘personal’ should practitioners be with followers who are potential customers
  • The right type of balance in terms of types of content that clinics and practitioners should use on social media channels that can help followers Know, Like and Trust a clinic
  • Guidance on the use of hashtags on social media platforms
  • Video content versus still images for social media – and what type of video content is most effective
  • The biggest mistakes clinics make with their social media

If you’re struggling with any aspect of social media or digital marketing, please contact Oliver Capel for advice and help www.medicodigital.co.uk

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