Train Your Staff to Response Effectively to New Enquiries

Gilly Dickons
By Gilly Dickons

With over 13 years' experience, Aesthetic Response is the sectors leading provider of call handling and lead management services and was the first to offer dedicated aesthetic clinic support.

Here at Aesthetic Response, we truly appreciate the value of high-quality training for our team. We ensure that anyone who calls our clients is connected with an Advisor who will be able to answer questions and provide reliable information about treatments offered, the clinic, the practitioner, prices, downtime, and anything else that can be discussed outside of a consultation!

To secure new enquiries, it is vital that your staff can do the same, which means you will need to spend some time training them in their enquiry handling skills. This will greatly benefit your practice and your staff’s skills.

If your staff have sufficient knowledge of your practice’s treatments, they will be able to answer any questions about the treatments and products that you offer, which is crucial to overcoming any objections that potential new enquiries may have before making any booking. Not only does this help callers feel at ease and make informed decisions, but it also reflects the quality of the training that you have had in your career, demonstrating the skills and professionalism that patients can expect from your clinic. Consider as well, that your staff will be able to fully service enquiries without disturbing you for answers, allowing you to get on with your treatments.

It is so important that you set an excellent first impression and training your staff in customer service will ensure this! First impressions count towards a good relationship with clients and a bad start could mean they turn to another clinic. Train your staff so that they know exactly what first impression you want them to deliver to callers; your staff won’t know what you want them to say or do unless you spend time training them!

Within the clinic, your staff will have the ability and skills after training to upsell products, such as cosmeceuticals that you may sell. If you also encourage your staff to use these products themselves, they will be genuinely excited to share them with clients. All of this will improve your staff’s skills while also increasing your return per hour in the clinic.

Finally, if you train your staff to an excellent standard, you will soon start to see the rewards!

With staff upselling treatments and products, and using their exceptional customer service skills, your conversion and retention rates are sure to increase. If you show your staff how valuable a new enquiry truly is, they will understand how important it is to secure new bookings over the phone. Show your staff how you want data to be captured from each call that is logged so that you can analyse the efficiency of your lead generation and marketing campaigns. Consistent data capture across your team will allow you to track conversions and enquiries better so you can watch your business grow.

This is just the briefest of insights into ensuring your staff are trained to handle your valuable new enquiries, it’s up to you to decide how you are going to ensure that these calls and leads are in safe, knowledgeable hands.

I hope that you are fully aware of just how important this is to driving the success of your aesthetic business.

About us: With over 13 years' experience, Aesthetic Response is the sector's leading provider of call handling and lead management services and was the first to offer dedicated aesthetic clinic support. We’ve used this extensive customer service experience to create online training for front-of-house clinic staff.

To find out more email or call us on 0191 720 3000


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