The EXO|E factor

Vicky Eldridge
By Vicky Eldridge

Vicky Eldridge is an award-winning journalist, editor and copywriter, with 18 years’ experience in aesthetics.

Miss Sherina Balaratnam, medical director of S-Thetics, discusses plant-derived exosomes.
Exosomes are, alongside polynucleotides, the current hot topics in medical aesthetics. Human exosomes have been available for some time. However, they are currently not allowed in the UK and EU due to the fact there is still a small percentage of human DNA and mRNA contained in the product from the donor, and the MHRA has outlawed any products containing human material, whether injectable or topically applied.
Whilst other mammal-derived exosomes are available, more recent developments in plant-derived exosomes demonstrate potential advantages over their controversial human counterparts.
It has long been accepted and proven that plant stem cells produce human cytokines, which enables the use of plant secretary factors for human cell signalling. Recently, plant-derived exosomes have become available in the UK and European markets.
Plant-derived exosomes are more accurately termed PDENs (plant-derived extra-cellular nanoparticles), as exosome is the term more commonly associated with those nanoparticles derived from mammalian cells.
One of the significant advantages of plant nanoparticles is that they don’t need to be freeze-dried or lyophilised and should be available in ready-to-use form. Freeze drying or lyophilising denatures the secretary factors of the cells meaning that simulated growth factors need to be added. The number of simulated growth factors added differs from manufacturer to manufacturer but is commonly less than 20. In contrast, PDENS can contain thousands of growth factors, cytokines, interleukins and peptides in their natural states, producing an increased reduction in inflammation and enhanced patient results.
I have been using plant-based products in my practice, S-Thetics in Beaconsfield, for over eight years and have seen the clinical effectiveness that these deliver to my patients’ skin. They are delighted with their results.
When I first heard of the EXO|E plant-derived nanoparticles earlier this year, I was interested in learning more and seeing what they could further deliver for my patients. I even tried them myself and could see and feel the benefits quickly.
I met with one of the scientists behind the development of the range and was very impressed with the science and evidence-based research behind the products. There was robust data on the impactful reduction of inflammation, the production of collagen and elastin and the upregulation of hyaluronic acid by cells, the latter of which I have never seen achieved by a topical formulation.
Data showed the inhibition of NFkB and, therefore, the reduction of pro-inflammatory cytokines, demonstrating a significant reduction in post-treatment inflammation. I have been carrying out fractionated treatments using lasers and radiofrequency needling for almost eight years now, both of which come with some recovery time for our patients; hence, I was keen to try the product to see how this could benefit patient recovery post-treatment.
The system is easy for both physicians and patients to use, and I like that the program for EXO|E is delivered over 11 days, providing 23 billion plant-derived exosomes to the patient. By spreading the delivery onto the skin over 11 days, cell receptors are not overloaded, and uptake is optimised. 
The ingredients are altered during the 11-day programme to prepare the skin for an inflammatory treatment, to help it recover, and to provide the body with what it requires to generate superior and optimised results. My patients also enjoy being more involved with the “in-clinic/at-home treatment process, which requires them to do a twice-daily application five days before their clinic visit and the same for the following days.
Patients now arrive for their treatments less inflamed than before and with better-hydrated skin due to the intrinsically enhanced hyaluronic acid production by their own bodies. And they are seeing and feeling this benefit in just a few days of commencing the program. In this era of regenerative medicine and, where our patients and consumers are more educated and informed than ever, to have a system that has an autologous effect on our bodies is a game-changer.
Following invasive in-clinic treatment such as fractionated radiofrequency needling, our patients’ skin is less inflamed than normal, reducing their overall downtime and speeding through to generate their optimised results.
Here at the clinic, we have been very impressed with the results. From using EXO|E as a stand-alone facial treatment, I combine this with my other treatments and technologies, including HydraFacial, microneedling, Exion radiofrequency needling and EMFACE, as well as facial injectables. And our results have improved even more, leading to high patient satisfaction. I am excited to try the new DE|RIVE exosomes form EXO|E for hair stimulation and hair growth as I have personally seen the results from its skin treatments and have faith that this next version will deliver the same benefits for this category of patient who are becoming increasingly common in the aesthetics and regenerative space. 
The results they have shown in androgenic alopecia, alopecia areata and telogen effluvium, as well as post-Covid hair loss, are compelling, and we have recently added the AquafirmeXS to enable us to deliver the DE|RIVE to the scalp without the need for any needles. Our patient comfort, experience and results have certainly made an impact on their overall satisfaction this year, and I look forward to what more there is to come of this revolutionary system.
This article was written for the Consulting Room Magazine.
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