Staff Quarantining After Holidays, Furlough, and Redundancy

By Citation

Citation empowers over 50,000 growing businesses to be ready for anything by turning the complicated parts of running a business into clarity.

Following the government announced this week concerning quarantining after holidays abroad, it is clear that this poses a potential extra challenge for clinic/salon owners and their staff who holiday in countries that subsequently become identified as high-risk.

This FAQ document on the subject may be useful (see below to download) alongside a podcast that we recorded with Citation (Formerly known as the XACT Group) , Consulting Room’s HR advisors, where we discuss the potentially urgent need for producing a policy communicating what would happen regarding pay if clinic staff have to quarantine for 14 days following their return from holiday.

In addition, we review new updates to the furlough scheme, and options for employers in terms of negotiating reduced hours contracts or redundancy in advance of the furlough scheme ending.

As the financial benefits of furlough are reducing month on month, it’s vital for clinic owners to prepare for more difficult trading in 2021 and review their financial plan in relation to salaries.

Reduced hours after furlough is an option, depending on contracts, but if you feel that projected income cannot support certain roles next year, redundancy may be the only option. Changes to redundancy pay have been made this week, and if you are considering this option it might be best to address it before the end of furlough. Luckily, I have had to make very few people redundant as a business owner, but where I have it has been one of the most emotionally challenging situations that I have had to face as an employer.

I would strongly suggest that you take external advice from an HR expert to review contractual options and process (it’s really important to get this right!) before making any decisions about the future of any members of your team.

To listen to the podcast - CLICK HERE.

To download Coronavirus and Travel Quarantine FAQs CLICK HERE.

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