Non-Surgical Lipolysis Banned in France

Ron Myers
By Ron Myers

As an Aesthetic Business Coach and Mentor, Ron helps aesthetic clinics and suppliers to maximise their profits.

According to an article in French magazine Anti-Age, the French High Authority of Health (HAS) has recently prohibited the use of a variety of different lipolysis (fat killing) cosmetic procedures.

The online magazine states that :

The implementation of the techniques referred to as lipolytic non invasive, using external physical agents, without breaking the skin (focussed ultrasound, radiofrequency, laser, etc..) has a suspicion of serious danger to human health.

The implementation of adipocyte lysis techniques using injections of hypo-osmolar solutions presents a serious risk to human health.

The implementation of technical analysis using injections of adipocyte lipolytic products (phosphatidylcholine and / or sodium deoxycholate) presents a serious danger to human health.

The implementation of adipocyte lysis techniques using injections of mixtures of mesotherapy products presents a serious risk to human health.

The implementation techniques using adipocyte lysis with carboxytherapy presents a serious risk to human health.
The implementation of adipocyte lysis techniques using transcutaneous lasers without aspiration presents a serious risk to human health.

Alex Alvarez, Chief Executive Officer of carboxytherapy manufacturer RioBlush comments:

“The French have banned ultrasound, lasers, mesotherapy and carboxytherapy for fat reduction. This step was taken in reaction to the fact that beauty therapists were using the cheap and easy to acquire carboxytherapy/mesotherapy gun to inject dangerous or outlawed compounds like Lipostabil in combination with CO2 gas to reduce fat.”

We have made available a fully transcribed report from the French High Authority of Health in the Clinical Information section of The Consulting Room’s members area detailing adverse events and other investigations undertaken which resulted in the outlawing of these procedures in France. 

For an update on this, please see our later blog - France reverses the decision to Ban all Non-Surgical Lipolysis 

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