Lessons Learned from Practitioners Over 13 Years (Part 1)

By ConsultingRoom.com

ConsultingRoom.com is the most comprehensive and accurate aesthetic information resource for consumers, health and beauty journalists and clinics.

This panel debate is hosted by Pam Underdown, CEO of Aesthetic Business Transformations, featuring Dr Ian Strawford, Clinical Director at Skin Excellence Clinics,  Jane Lewis, Managing Director at The Skin to Love Clinic and Dr Shirin Lakhani, Medical Directory at Elite Aesthetics.

Have you ever wished that you could go back to that pivotal time in your life, when you first set up your aesthetics practice and give yourself sound advice? That those challenges and frustrations that you are experiencing, that have sometimes left you wondering why you are doing this and if its all going to be worth it…will end up being looked upon as some of your greatest and important moments.

If you started your business for the freedom and adventure of being your own boss, perhaps you now feel buried, trapped, controlled or consumed by the doing it, doing it, doing it? If you are reluctantly agreeing that yes, this describes your situation, then I have news for you: you are not alone. A huge number of aesthetic professionals are struggling to keep their heads above water, with many being in survival mode a lot of the time - putting on a happy face as they get more and more bogged down each day.

So why is this? And why are there so many aesthetic practitioners who are flourishing, hugely successful, profitable and growing from year to year?

What do they know and do, that others don’t? During this practical workshop Pam Underdown and her hand-picked panel of very experienced aesthetic practitioners will share with you how they dealt with their challenges, what mistakes they made, what they have had to learn and do differently and how they overcame a number of painful and sometimes expensive lessons along the way. As ‘they’ say it’s cheaper to learn from someone else’s mistakes than to make them yourself.

Come and join us for an hour of practical strategies and real solutions to the problems and challenges you are facing today. You will leave this hands-on workshop knowing exactly where to focus and what to implement upon your return, in order to build the successful practice, you know you deserve and desire.

After you have watched the video below, you can tune in to Part 2.

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