How to Prevent a Complaint

Hamilton Fraser Cosmetic Insurance
By Hamilton Fraser Cosmetic Insurance

With over 25 years' experience, we are the industry's leading provider of cosmetic insurance services to the cosmetic industry.

Guest blog from Hamilton Fraser

In this guest blog for Consulting Room, Hamilton Fraser offers advice on how to prevent a complaint from being raised.

Although you cannot avoid a complaint being raised completely, there are steps you can take to minimise the chances of a claim being made against you.

Careful patient selection

Understanding your patient’s motivations will help you assess whether they are right for you. When discussing your patient’s expectations within the consultation, be open and honest as to whether they are achievable. It is important to understand your patient’s motivations for the treatment as this will help you to identify if they are suitable.

Document this discussion in your consultation notes so there is evidence of this conversation. If there are any indications to suggest the patient isn’t suitable for treatment, advise them that you cannot meet their expectations and decline treatment.

Image provided by Hamilton Fraser.

Careful patient selection
Detailed Aftercare
Document everything and provide dedicated aftercare

It is important to document the process of the treatment from the beginning and include time-stamped photographs for evidence.

It is also advised to provide the patient with relevant aftercare information and make sure that they understand this fully, the information can either be a physical or digital copy.

Image provided by Hamilton Fraser.

Be reachable to your patients

Being contactable post treatment is a good way to avoid a complaint as the patient will be able to discuss any concerns with you straight away. If you are unavailable for a period of time after the treatment, we advise that you provide contact details for a colleague that the patient can reach whilst you are away.

Have a comprehensive complaint procedure

Having a clear complaint procedure in place will help to deal with any complaints efficiently as soon as they arise.

At Hamilton Fraser, we support you every step of the way during the claims process and work with you to resolve the matter effectively to prevent them escalating into a formal complaint.

Image provided by Hamilton Fraser.

Be reachable to your patients

With over 25 years' experience, Hamilton Fraser is the industry's leading provider of cosmetic insurance services and was the first to offer medical malpractice insurance. As a leader in the market, we’ve got you covered and are proud to insure the most comprehensive range of cosmetic treatments. 

Get a quote online today or call the team on 0800 63 43 881

For more expert information, guidance and advice join us for the Aesthetics Business Conference (ABC), our step-by-step conference for start-up practitioners. Hosted at the prestigious Royal College of Physicians on 19 September, the conference discusses a variety of relevant sector topics helping you to develop and grow your business. New for 2023, ABC will host several key medicolegal sessions including tax, legislation, regulation and insurance. Join our expert panel as they discuss upcoming industry regulations to fully equip you for the changes ahead.  

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