If you fail to control your business costs, it may place unnecessary additional pressure on your cash flow. At best, this may affect your ability to run your business, it will be less profitable and your earnings won’t be as high as they could be. At worst, if your business costs are allowed to spiral out of control or they stay the same but your sales dip, your business can quickly run out of cash. Soon your business could fail.
Reducing spending must remain a key priority for your business. There should be a valid business reason for everything you buy and you need to deal with suppliers who can offer you best value. It’s not just a question of cheapest price, because quality and service are also key considerations when choosing suppliers.
Your prices will also determine how profitable your business is, of course. Setting optimum prices can enable you to increase your margins, while ensuring that customers won’t be put off. You need to assess your prices regularly to ensure they remain optimum. Sometimes increases will be necessary, if you’re to protect your margins. You may even be able to find
ways to boost your sales so your business becomes much more profitable.
So, how might your business be able to become more profitable? Let’s begin by addressing your costs.
KPMG Small Business Accounting
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