Dr Munir Somji Develops Protocol for Ozempic-Related Hair Loss

Vicky Eldridge
By Vicky Eldridge

Vicky Eldridge is an award-winning journalist, editor and copywriter, with 18 years’ experience in aesthetics.

Leading hair surgeon, Dr Munir Somji has recently noticed a surge in clients struggling with hair loss as a result of using the increasingly popular weight-loss drug, Ozempic. This is due to the drug disrupting the body’s natural hormone balance, redirecting resources away from hair follicles and leading them to a state of rest. 

Dr Somji has developed a protocol to improve this type of shock shedding with CALECIM® Professional Advanced Hair System. The treatment has clinically validated results that see a 24% increase in the growth of hair follicle cells and a 30x reduction in inflammatory signals within the hair follicle (a leading contributor to hair cell follicle death). It has been clinically proven that stem cell-derived growth factors are able to re-invigorate dormant and sluggish hair follicles such as those seen while taking Ozempic.  


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