COVID-19 and Skin Conditions Practitioners Should Know Of
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As most of you are getting ready to see patients and clients again soon, I thought it would be useful to review the literature to date relating to cutaneous manifestations that could be associated with COVID-19, which you could see in clinic, or that your clients might ask you about over the coming weeks and months.

I asked Dr Patrick Treacy, an aesthetic doctor who runs a Dermatology based clinic in Ireland, a well-known international speaker, author and researcher to prepare a brief presentation from a review of the scientific literature and case reports to date (01.07.20).

In this 30-minute webinar he discusses:

  • The most common dermatological manifestations that could be related to COVID-19, their significance and whether they could appear in pre- or asymptomatic infection
  • Skin lesions in relation to PPE and frequent handwashing that we might need to be aware of
  • What practitioners, who have no formal dermatological training, should do if they come across any skin lesions that could be related to COVID-19
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