** Important message to ALL business owners **
Consulting Room is the UK's largest specialist business and clinical industry information resource for aesthetic clinic and salon owners, and are a proud member of the Small Business Owner community.
Running a business is challenging at the best of times – but none of us have ever faced the types of urgent, difficult and critical decisions that we are having to make about our businesses today as the global crisis unfolds with coronavirus (COVID-19).
At times like these, it's hard to think straight, and the only thing that really matters is the health and welfare of our loved ones. However, in the current climate, for the many clinic/salon owners who have fixed expenses, we cannot procrastinate and need to take decisive action and control TODAY.
To help our Members, and the broader aesthetic community, we have put together a business survival guide giving you PRACTICAL steps to take NOW to protect the future of your aesthetic business, and get your clinic/salon back on its feet quickly when all of this is over!
Further business advice, support and discussion can be found in the Consulting Room Members Business Support Facebook Group.
The Consulting Room Academy offers you access to certified, online training courses to help you and your staff learn new skills which can have a real impact on the success of your business.