Haven't bought your ticket to Wigmore Presents yet?
Here are 5 reasons to attend Wigmore Presents this April...
- Two days, two educationally focused agendas
Our industry-leading speaker panel will deliver their insights into the latest treatments, trends and techniques across our scientifically-led programme. Injectables, skincare, devices, combination treatments, regenerative medicine and microbiome are just some of the topics up for debate this year. With 20 CPD points on offer for the weekend, you can’t afford to miss out!
- Exclusive event offers
This year we are extending the timeframe for delegates to purchase specially priced products from our partners, so delegates can access offers pre and post-show! All of our exclusive brands will be included, and these annual offers are only available to our Wigmore Presents delegates.
- Exhibition
We are proud to be hosting a boutique exhibition to showcase the industry’s leading products and devices. Get hands-on with a comprehensive selection of all you’ll need to deliver gold-standard results to your aesthetic patients. Workshops will also run throughout the weekend for more in-depth insights into specific treatments and devices.
- Networking
Wigmore are renowned for their hospitality, and we invite you to join us and ‘Turn Back Time’ at our 80s-themed afterparty, at the Refinery Regent’s Place on Saturday 20th April. ‘Relax’ and decompress after a day of lectures, the perfect opportunity to mingle with the industry’s movers and shakers.
- Delegate bag
We wouldn’t like to send anyone home empty-handed, so we’re not going to! For the first time, we are putting together an exclusive delegate bag containing products from our exclusive brands and partners with a total value of over £200.
Tickets can be purchased now via the website wigmorepresents.com - it is £150 for a one-day pass and £250 for two days.
The pass includes access to the agenda*, exhibition, refreshments and lunch. The Saturday networking event can be purchased separately for £75.
*Some lectures will only be accessible to HCPs.