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As well as surgical and less invasive non-surgical procedures which can remove or tighten excess skin, other treatments seek to remove fat in the under arm.
As well as surgical and less invasive non-surgical procedures which can remove or tighten excess skin, other treatments seek to remove fat in the under arm.
Hair can be unwanted for cosmetic reasons or excessive hair growth, known as hirsutism, which can be caused by a medical condition or hormonal imbalances.
Propionibacterium acnes or p.acnes) which lives naturally on the skin but proliferates and triggers redness and the spot formation associated with acne.
Many of us are carrying around unhealthy levels of excess fat and weight loss would improve long-term health and wellness.
Ageing, as well as weight loss can lead to lax skin in various areas of the body, including the upper arms, inner thighs, abdomen and buttocks.
Hair can be unwanted for cosmetic reasons or excessive hair growth, known as hirsutism, which can be caused by a medical condition or hormonal imbalances.
Treatments can remove tattoos completely or fade them enough to then be able to have a more preferable piece of art in place of the original tattoo.
Excessive sweating is known medically as hyperhidrosis. It most commonly occurs in the underarms but can also affect the hands, feet, face and scalp.
Wellness treatments seek to supplement missing components needed to restore a healthy body and mind, plus advice and counselling on lifestyle changes.
As well as the position of the belly button, the size and shape of it can be a concern. Surgical options can reposition and reshape the navel or umbilicus.
Body Contouring is an option for those wishing to refine a few areas of stubborn fat and skin looseness which doesn’t improve with diet and exercise.
Cellulite is very common, affecting between 85 and 98 percent of women and is mistakenly associated with being overweight but also affects slim individuals.
Lifting the buttock skin using surgical and non-surgical techniques can improve the youthful aspect of the buttocks and create a more rounded appearance.
Increasing the size of the buttocks is often part of a Brazilian Butt Lift or BBL procedure alongside lifting the buttocks.
Surgery can reduce the excess weight of the increased breast tissue and reshape the breast to a more manageable size and appearance.
The use of silicone or saline-filled breast implants, inserted surgically, can change both the shape and size of the breasts.
Breast lifting procedures raise the breast, often bringing the nipple or areola back to a more central position whereby it no longer points downwards.
Skin in the decolletage can become thin and creepy, as well as pigmented with sun damaged spots or freckles and wrinkles near the breast and cleavage area.
Man boobs, moobs... we’ve all heard the terms, but excess fat and breast tissue in the male chest area can be due to a medical condition called gynaecomastia.
Surgically-placed silicone implants can be used in the pectoral or male chest area to correct defects, or to cosmetically increase the apparent musculature in the area.
Pinning back the ears, or reshaping cartilage can be done with minimally surgical techniques in the modern era in both children and adults.
The appearance of eye bags under the eyes as we age is very common, resolution usually requires a surgical approach to achieve a good result.
Crow’s feet with mild to moderate depth wrinkles can be effectively reduced using many treatments, both non-surgical and surgical.
Tear trough rejuvenation seeks to improve both the hollow and the overlying skin smoothness to reduce the shadowing effect of dark under eye circles.
Laser eye surgery, such as LASIK, LASEK and PRK can be used to improve short-sightedness (myopia), long-sightedness (hyperopia) and astigmatism.
From raising eyebrows in surprise to frowning in anger, these movements lead to lines and wrinkles between the eyes and across the forehead.
Surgical and non-surgical treatment options are available for both men and women and can be used to augment the chin, correct problems and relax overactive muscles.
Lumps or bumps on your face or body should be professionally checked. Benign, non-harmful blemishes and lesions can be safely removed or referred onwards for dermatological treatment.
Treatments range from simple camouflage to hide any red marks, through to targeted treatments aimed at reducing the vascularisation in the area.
Skin loses elasticity over time because we stop producing as much healthy collagen and elastin as we did in our youth, leading to sagging, wrinkled skin.
Thread veins or spider veins, medically known as telangiectasia, are tiny blood vessels that most commonly appear across the nose and cheeks for both men and women.
Getting older, genetics and the natural ageing process reduces skin elasticity, hydration and the ability to produce new collagen and hyaluronic acid as easily.
Facial scarring including scars from acne, illness, accident or surgical treatment can be bothersome, especially where something hasn’t healed as it should.
There are various types of rosacea including inflammatory, vascular, phymatous, ocular and neurogenic. The most common are the inflammatory and vascular forms.
The biggest single damage to the skin is from the sun. Treatments seek to improve or remove the appearance of the pigmentation blemishes from exposure to ultraviolet or UV radiation.
Also referred to as the mask of pregnancy, melasma or chloasma is a skin condition which often occurs in women during pregnancy, as well as darker skin types.
There are many aspects behind wanting to improve the jawline. Treatments seek to restore the jawline shape and well as lift and tighten the jowling in the area.
Skin camouflage is used to hide facial imperfections and discolouration, such as scarring, birthmarks, vitiligo, burns or areas of darker pigmentation.
For those transitioning from male to female who need enhancement to bring their facial features more in line with the size and shape of feminine facial features.
The need to cushion the ball of the foot to relieve pressure on metatarsal bones has lead to natural padding by adding volume to the foot through injection.
Experiencing a feeling of laxity is common for women and can have an affect on both sexual satisfaction and self esteem, but also cause issues with continence.
Hair can be unwanted for cosmetic reasons or excessive hair growth, known as hirsutism, which can be caused by a medical condition or hormonal imbalances.
Hypertrophic labia can cause problems and discomfort with sexual intercourse and increase the likelihood of experiencing yeast infections such as thrush.
For those who feel that the size of their penis is inadequate, treatments available aim to improve physical (length and girth) and psychological deficits.
After the menopause, many women experience a thinning and drying of the vaginal walls due to a reduction in the production of oestrogen.
A fungal nail infection is caused by fungi which weakens the nail, discolouring it and making it thickened, brittle and crumbly.
Skin on the hands becomes thinner over time, often with pigmentation spots due to sun damage and the underlying veins and bone structure becomes more prominent.
Varicose veins are a more serious medical concern than thread or spider veins, although treatment is not always available on the NHS as they are regarded as a cosmetic concern.
Hair can be unwanted for cosmetic reasons or excessive hair growth, known as hirsutism, which can be caused by a medical condition or hormonal imbalances.
Cellulite is very common, affecting between 85 and 98 percent of women. It only affects women due to the way that females store fat in the lower body.
The appearance of surface thread veins on the legs can be an early sign of vascular compromise deeper in the leg, so a proper medical check may be worthwhile.
Stretch marks occur when the inner skin layer, below the surface is stretched to the point where it weakens and loses its elasticity.
Misaligned or crooked teeth can be straightened with a variety of dental solutions such as metal braces or clear, moulded clip-ons which are more discreet.
Damaged teeth can be improved with a variety of cosmetic dental procedures. From simple restoration such as fillings and bonding to fitting crowns and bridges.
Smoker’s lines are the fine lines and wrinkles which form around the mouth due to the repeated movement commonly associated with smoking.
The lines that run from the corners of your mouth down towards your chin are marionette lines. Treatments are available to tighten the area and smooth wrinkles.
The desire for the perfect pout with large, full lips is a trend with young women, whilst older women and men seek treatments for thinning or deflated lips affected by ageing.
Tightening the skin around the neck area through surgical and non-surgical methods can improve and smooth the appearance and reduce the appearance of a turkey neck.
Surgical and non-surgical solutions are available to repair the ear lobe, lift or add back volume to restore the original shape and provide cosmetic improvement.
Skin tightening and fat reduction treatments, both surgical and non-surgical, exist to reduce the appearance of a double chin.
Bunny lines are the little creases on the side of the nose if you scrunch up your face, they can be reduced with non-surgical treatments.
Changing the shape of the nasal tip, nasal bridge, the straightness or angles of the nose can be done using both surgical and non-surgical procedures.
Being overweight or suffering from the symptoms of obesity which can cause excess fat. Various aesthetic treatments, surgical options and lifestyle procedures exist to help reduce fat in the stomach, for both men and women.
Stretch marks occur when the inner skin layer, below the surface is stretched to the point where it weakens and loses its elasticity.