Breast Implants/Breast Augmentation Procedure, Cost, Risks, UK Clinics Info Questions

Latest Breast Implants/Breast Augmentation Procedure, Cost, Risks, UK Clinics Info Question

Liam Navarro

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23rd July 2024

Paragel High Profile

Hi, how long does the Paragel High Profile Implant Mammaire last for?

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Tara Cowell

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14th April 2022

Ruptured implants

Dear team,

I have recently had scans at my local hospital and asked to contact my surgeon for a consultation where i had them done.

I have my card with the name Eurosilicone , date, lot numbers etc.

How can I tell if they are still under warranty. I had them put in back in December 2017.

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Jessica Pipitone

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7th October 2022

Nagor breast implants Rupture???

Hi there,
In January 2010 I had Nagor breast implants. Please find details below:

REF - RGI - DEH 365
LOT 052879

REF - RGI - DEH 345
LOT - 052712

I believe certain Nagor implants have been recalled, however, I don't think the ones I have were in that category.
I have recently been told my implants have ruptured and am scheduled to have explant surgery this coming November (2022).

I was wondering if anyone can help me or point me in the right direction to find out if I am eligible for compensation of some sort?
Thank you,

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Malin Linnéa

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18th January 2023

Implant texture

Hi there!

I was recommended Silimed or Polytech shaped polyurethane implants by my original doctor but sadly I will not be able to have the surgery with him. My new doctor recommends Eurosilicon, could you please tell me the difference?

Many thanks!

Ps: i’m changing from old implants I’ve had for 15 years and I’m hoping for q natural result

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Azucena Gutierrez

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9th March 2023

how long the implant can stay in my body?

Hi, in 2001 I had the Brest implant. Just want to know how long I can have these implants?
Type: Cristaline Vertex
Mode: GAZ O.E.
Ref: 102275
No Serie: F147L14
No. du lot: 997011

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georgia gwynne

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20th April 2023

Ruptured implant

Hi I have had my implants since 2013. My right implant has ruptured, please can you inform me of the details for my warranty.

Many thanks

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3rd August 2023

Ruptured implant during pregnancy

Hello, sonographic examination showed that I have a ruptured silicone implant (Eurosilicone TMM2). I am in 20th week of my pregnancy. I didn’t have and accident and I didn’t feel anything, it’s possible it’s ruptured longer time. Can the ruptured implant be dangerous for me or my baby? What should I do? Is operation necessary due to my condition? Can I breastfeed? Thank you very much for your advice.

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mario m

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25th January 2024

Breast implant

I had my left breast implant on 10/06/2015 after mastectomy, the implant number is 115007056 h
Is it still valid or need to be changed. I feel pain in the area and the latest pet scan shows peri sepsis plant soft tissue thickening

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Catherine Kavanagh

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3rd July 2024


Hi i am wonering if i had a rupture is that guaranteed

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Liam Navarro

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23rd July 2024

Paragel High Profile

Hi, how long does the Paragel High Profile Implant Mammaire last for?

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