0 Helpful Votes
3rd December 2022
Profhilo FDA status
Hello! Is Profhilo FDA approved for use in the US. I'm finding contradictory answers to this question and want to make sure I know the facts!

501 unique pageviews
0 Helpful Votes
3rd December 2022
Profhilo FDA status
Hello! Is Profhilo FDA approved for use in the US. I'm finding contradictory answers to this question and want to make sure I know the facts!
501 unique pageviews
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Vicki Viney
0 Helpful Votes
7th May 2021
Profilo and RF treatments
After having Profilo how long before I can have microcurrent and RF treatments?? at home treatment which I have always done, I would also like some threads what would be the wait time.
2984 unique pageviews
Elaine Tay
0 Helpful Votes
27th July 2021
What is the best way to inject PROFHILO?
May I ask if I can use Hydro pen to inject?
Or strictly by injection only?
510 unique pageviews
0 Helpful Votes
13th October 2021
Components of Profhilo
Can anyone tell me the composition of a product called SUNEKOS? (I couldn’t find it on the list of treatments here so clicked Profhilo) It says HA and amino acids. Specifically are there any blood products present. In Botox there is human serum albumin so just double checking with this product.
Many thanks.
533 unique pageviews
0 Helpful Votes
3rd December 2022
Profhilo FDA status
Hello! Is Profhilo FDA approved for use in the US. I'm finding contradictory answers to this question and want to make sure I know the facts!
501 unique pageviews
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