2 Helpful Votes
10th October 2023
ReCell Surgery
I want to know more about Recell surgery in detail please as I have a 7-month burn.

526 unique pageviews
Amreen Taj
2 Helpful Votes
10th October 2023
ReCell Surgery
I want to know more about Recell surgery in detail please as I have a 7-month burn.
526 unique pageviews
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2 Helpful Votes
7th December 2022
keloid scarring
i have a black/ grey scar on my nose from my piercing and was wondering if you would be able to get rid of it somehow? I have googled and it says laser is the best way.
Thank you.
Kind Regards,
Mia Duffett
625 unique pageviews
Ana Costa
2 Helpful Votes
21st March 2023
UV protection
Good morning
Does DERMATIX SILICON Pads have UV protection ?
538 unique pageviews
Leo Beal
2 Helpful Votes
17th August 2023
Can these scars be removed or made less obvious?
I am looking to have some treatment on these scars, to either remove or lessen the appearance of them.
These were caused from impact whilst they healed they have left parts of the skin looking darker, which I would like removed?
Can you or what do you suggest?
Thank you!
278 unique pageviews
Amreen Taj
2 Helpful Votes
10th October 2023
ReCell Surgery
I want to know more about Recell surgery in detail please as I have a 7-month burn.
526 unique pageviews
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