DermaFrac / MicroNeedling Safety

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Question: DermaFrac / MicroNeedling Safety

Is there a risk of blood contamination from microneedling?

Answers (12)

Nurse Gilly Graver

Dorset Aesthetics

9th June 2022

Answer: Thanks for your question Lucie. The SkinPen Precision Microneedling pen is FDA approved due to its safety and efficacy. The SkinPen Precision is unique because of the working elements are within the single use cartridge to ensure there is absolutely no risk of cross contamination between patients.

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Gemma Jarvis


10th June 2022

Answer: Hi Lucie,

We do offer dermaplaning and microdermabrasion, which is why they appear on our website, but these are not treatments we offer for scars.

We have many treatments for scar revision, if you would like to know more about these please visit our website or please reply with your contact details.
We offer complimentary consultations which may be beneficial to see what treatment would be recommended for you.

Kind regards,

Lauren Waugh
Senior Receptionist

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Karen Johnson

The Chilgrove Clinic

14th June 2022

Answer: Hello Lucie, thanks for your question regarding the risks of blood contamination from microneedling. As with all treatments that involve piercing the skin, if the correct safety procedures are not in place, there can be a risk of blood contamination. To avoid this, it is the responsibility of the practitioner or therapist providing the treatment to ensure that they are using sterile, one-time use needle cartridges or roller heads, and that the microneedling device they are using has safety measures built in. For example, we use a microneedling pen device which has an anti - back flow safety measure to ensure that blood and body fluids can't contaminate the device or be passed on. Whilst it's important that a microneedling provider takes every precaution to ensure client safety when providing this treatment, clients seeking this treatment would be well advised to check the level of competency and qualifications of the treatment provider before going ahead. A consultation prior to treatment should be offered, during which you can ask to see the needling device, ask questions about safety, as well as asking the provider about their training, experience and qualifications. This way you will avoid any doubt about choosing the right provider for your treatment.

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Dr. Joanne McInerney

Cosmetic Skin Care

9th June 2022

Answer: Hello Lucie

Thank you for your enquiry.

Not from the SkinPen that we use in our clinic. There is reported to be from some devices.

Thank you

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9th June 2022

Answer: Hi Luci, Microneedling is a safe procedure when is done by someone with training and in sterile conditions with single use hand rollers or in case of hand hold devices ( better quality, less side effects) single use cartridges. If done this way there will be no risk of blood contamination. As a recomendation I would prefer to go to a practicioner who uses the skinpen precision because of the safety associated with this device.

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Nurse Prescriber Josie Hearn


9th June 2022

Answer: Hello Lucie,

Skin needling utilises sterile single-use medical devices. Quality and safety are guaranteed.

Nakedhealth is an authorised clinic and your treatment will be done by one of our trained, experienced nurses and aestheticians using safe single use devices.

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Dr Thadchayini Kanagasabai

Skin Enhance And Wellness

9th June 2022

Answer: Hi Lucie,
It really depends on the device being used. Devices such as the Derma FNS micro-needling pen device used at Skin Enhance and Wellness is CE marked. The CE mark signifies that products sold in the EEA (European Economic Area) have been assessed to meet high safety, health, and environmental protection requirements. This particular device has gone through rigorous testing for safety. The single used cartridge containing the needles is completely detachable and after treatment, any blood from the skin surface is held within the needle compartment only. This section is easily visualised through the transparent parts.

However, if a roller device is used, it must be single-use to prevent cross-contamination. I never recommend these due to the unnecessary trauma they cause on the skin surface. The aim of microneedling is to cause micro-injuries in the deeper layers to stimulate collagen re-organisation so the surface does not need to be traumatised.

Hope this answers your question.
Further information is available on my website and blog pages.

Kind regards
Dr Tash

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Sarah Newey

Finesse Skin Clinic

9th June 2022

Answer: Hi Lucie - it depends upon the device you use. Skinpen is the gold standard Microneedling decide and has been given its stays because it eliminates the risk of cross contamination from the way the device is constructed. I hope this helps - Sarah

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Dr Anna Hemming

Thames Skin Clinic

9th June 2022

Answer: Hi Lucie,

Thank you for your enquiry, we use dermapen DMP8 which uses single use cartridges so there is no risk of blood contamination.

Best wishes,

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9th June 2022

Answer: There shouldn’t be. Each treatment should be carried out with a fresh sterile needle unit. Blood shouldn’t back up into the pen.

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