
Product Summary

InnopenThe InnoPen micro-needling device is produced by one of the pioneers in derma-needling technology, Clinical Resolution Laboratory, Inc.

It has a sealed treatment tip, for complete control of the depth of penetration and offers non-surgical treatment of a number of skin concerns, including improving the signs of ageing and scaring.

It is a safe treatment with minimal side effects, very little discomfort and no down-time.

Technical Specifications

The InnoPen by Clinical Resolution Laboratory, is a precision micro-needling device, with the following features:

  • The patented InnoTip, which is a dual spring-loaded disposable (single-use) needle cartridge, with automated motion to minimise injury.
  • High speed motor with accurate speed and power control for precise treatments.
  • Fully adjustable needle depth and speed.
  • Microneedles that penetrate between 0.25mm – 2.0mm into the skin for a bespoke treatment.

How does it work?

The penetration of the skin through the epidermis into the dermal layer with the microneedles of the InnoTip, stimulates the fibroblasts to produce collagen and elastin. This process is known a Collagen Induction, which works in three stages:

  • Stage 1 – Inflammation: Occurring in the few days following treatment, stimulated by the penetration of the dermal layer, cytokines and growth factors are released, which kick starts the immune response to begin the process of creating new skin.
  • Stage 2 – Proliferation: In the 3 to 5 days following treatment, the skin cells continue to divide creating new skin, as the fibroblasts create new collagen and elastin.
  • Stage 3 – Remodelling: In the 6-30 days following treatment the collagen in the new tissue is replaced with stronger collagen, which causes the dermis to contact, giving the skin a more youthful, and firmer appearance.

License status

Medical device

Should be used by

The InnoPen should only be used by trained aestheticians and medical professionals, in a safe clinic environment.

The Innopen is a powered device with adjustable speed settings and depth control in 0.1mm increments from 0mm-2mm in the medical only version and 0mm-1mm in the aesthetician version.

Bring up any concerns you have about the procedure at your consultation and take the opportunity to ask your clinician about their experience with the device.

What is it used to treat?

Like most micro-needling devices, the InnoPen can be used to treat a variety of skin concerns, including:

  • improving the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles,
  • tightening areas of sagging skin,
  • areas of hyperpigmentation,
  • acne scarring, injury scarring and stretch marks,
  • and improving overall skin appearance and texture.

The InnoPen be used on almost all parts of the body including the face, neck, legs, abdomen, back, arms and legs.

How long does it last?

Some patients will see positive results following a single treatment, particularly in terms of skin brightness. Noticeable changes to skin will continue to develop over the following weeks, with final results being visible around 6 months following treatment. Treatments are not permanent, but they are relatively long-lasting, more in terms of lasting years than months.

Side effects & risks

The InnoPen is a very safe micro-needling device, and as the procedure is non-surgical, there is no downtime and very few side effects. Immediately following the procedure, there will be a bright redness in the skin of the treatment area. This will last anywhere from 24 hours to around a week, depending on the needle depth. There may also be some discomfort and swelling in the treated area, which should only last a few days. You will be provided with a topical treatment to help with healing and to prevent any infection.

If your side effects last longer than 7 days or you experience any other side effects, consult your clinician as soon as possible.

Not to be used in

Treatment with Innopen is not suitable for pregnant or breastfeeding women, as the treatment utilises nutrients that are required elsewhere for the baby.

Furthermore, Innopen is not suitable for those that have a history of keloid scars, or if there is an active infection at the treatment site. Let your practitioner know of any underlying conditions or concerns before going ahead with treatment.

Treatment regime

A single session with InnoPen typically takes between 15-30 minutes, depending on the treatment area and size. To minimise any discomfort, a topical anaesthetic will be applied to the treatment area, along with any active serums that will be transferred to the deeper layers of the skin, via the microchannels created by the InnoPen microneedles. The penetration of the microneedles into the skin will feel a little like a light sandpaper being rubbed on the skin, but the discomfort should only be minor.

Some patients will see satisfying results after a single treatment and will only require one session once every 12 months, particularly if they are just looking to brighten up the skin. For most patients around 3 sessions are required for optimum results, spaced in 6-week intervals. For particularly deep wrinkles, frown lines and extensive acne scarring, 6 to 8 treatments may be required, again at 6-week intervals.

Cost of treatments

The costs of treatment with InnoPen will vary between clinics, but patients can expect to pay around £120 for a single treatment, with discounts usually offered when booking multiple sessions.

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