Procedure Time: Long term programme over several months
Recovery Time: No downtime
Results Duration: Dependent on lifestyle
Cost: Approx. £200 per week
Anaesthesia: None
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Alevere Therapy® is a comprehensive weight loss and body contouring programme that consists of four different techniques: ultrasound therapy, connective tissue massage, medical diet and stabilisation. Alevere Therapy is a medically supervised weight loss programme designed specifically for overweight or obese patients. By following a personalised diet plan, the typical patient loses 3 to 4 stone (42 to 56 lbs) over a typical 3-month treatment plan. The treatment process involves a lot of effort from the patient and is designed to achieve long-lasting weight loss through a combination of nutrition and education. Alevere Therapy is a medically supervised programme, which means that you will be under the care of a specially trained medical doctor during the course of your enrolment and it is only available at select clinics in the UK. You can expect to pay around £200+ per week, in addition to an initial consultation fee. The actual cost will depend on your personalised treatment plan.
Do you have a question? Ask one of our experts NOWAlevere Therapy is a medically supervised weight loss programme designed specifically for overweight or obese patients. By following a personalised diet plan, the typical patient loses 3 to 4 stone (42 to 56 lbs) over a typical 3-month treatment plan. However, it is possible for patients to lose significantly more.
In addition to producing significant weight loss, Alevere Therapy is used to enhance the shape of your body using non-invasive body contouring treatments. The goal is to reduce stubborn pockets of excess fat while simultaneously producing tighter and firmer skin.
A by-product of major weight loss, Alevere Therapy can also be used to minimise your risk of several undesirable health conditions such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, heart disease, as well as pain and strain on the joints.
In your first appointment with a practitioner, you should clearly explain your expectations of the Alevere Therapy. Your practitioner should then tell you whether this is the right programme for you and whether it can achieve the results you’d like.
Make sure that you obtain as much information as necessary to enable you to make a fully informed decision about it.
The practitioner should also ask for your medical history to make sure that there are no reasons why you shouldn’t undergo this weight loss programme. At this point, you would also normally be asked to sign a consent form which means that you have understood the future benefits and possible risks associated with the programme.
Alevere Therapy uses four different techniques to help you achieve your weight loss and body contouring goals:
Nutrition and diet – The Alevere diet and nutrition plan aims to help you lose weight quickly, without omitting healthy amounts of protein and other essential nutrients from your diet. At the start of treatment, you will be provided with a custom formulated diet plan. The initial phases of your diet will be very strict, consisting of a combination of Alevere proteins, fresh salads and vegetables. Alevere proteins are available in a variety of flavours and are suitable for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
In addition to a customised diet plan, you will also be provided with an array of nutritional supplements such as potassium, mineral salts, calcium, vitamins, enzymes, trace elements and others as needed. As you lose weight over the course of the programme, your diet and nutrition plan will be gradually re-adjusted and adapted to your personal circumstances – eventually returning to a natural eating pattern.
Ultrasound therapy – Alevere Therapy uses non-invasive, low-frequency ultrasound technology to break down bumpy or uneven subcutaneous fatty tissue present on the abdomen. During treatment, the ultrasound device creates cavities inside of the fat cells, causing them to rupture. This process releases the damaged fat cells into the bloodstream, which are then eventually metabolised by the body.
The Alevere ultrasound technique can be used to treat a maximum depth of 3 cm. The entire treatment process is painless and can usually be completed in about 20 minutes. Ultrasound therapy is an integral part of the treatment process. As a result, multiple weekly sessions are usually necessary throughout the programme.
Connective tissue massage – With the help of an LPG machine (Endermologie®), Alevere Therapy uses connective tissue massage to increase skin elasticity, stimulate collagen production and circulation, and improve contour. The device uses specialised rollers to massage and knead the skin. Connective tissue massage is most frequently used to treat the legs, hips and waist.
Alevere connective tissue massage is typically performed immediately after ultrasound therapy to speed up the metabolic process. The entire process usually takes about 30 minutes. Multiple treatments throughout your programme will be necessary to increase its overall effectiveness.
Results and stabilisation – Once you have achieved desired results through Alevere Therapy, maintenance is a key component to your long-term health. Ideally, you should have the necessary nutritional knowledge to design your own meal plans. Though not required, most physicians recommend that their patients schedule monthly check-up appointments to monitor progress. The longevity of your results are highly dependent upon your dedication to a healthy lifestyle.
Because treatment is based on non-surgical, completely non-invasive methods of weight loss, there are no significant risks or side effects specifically associated with Alevere Therapy. However, the actual process of major weight loss can have a dramatic impact on your body.
Significant weight loss can affect your blood pressure and the way your organs function, which is why your health will be carefully monitored by a medical professional throughout the duration of your enrolment in the Alevere programme. Through regular check-ups and blood testing, your physician will be able to ensure that you are achieving safe and healthy weight loss.
Alevere Therapy is designed to achieve long-lasting weight loss through a combination of nutrition and education. As you get closer to reaching your weight loss goals, you are gradually weaned off the treatment to stabilise your weight. Additionally, your physician will provide you with an exit consultation tailored to maintaining your new weight. Following your physician’s instructions will increase the likelihood of long-lasting results.
Keeping that all in mind, it’s important to remember that the longevity of your results will ultimately be dependent upon your ability to fully commit to a healthy lifestyle. In addition to attending monthly maintenance appointments with your Alevere clinic, the following tips can help you maintain your new body:
• Avoid skipping meals, which can slow down your metabolism
• Weigh yourself once a week to maintain awareness
• Eat a healthy variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean protein
• Participate in some form of physical activity on a daily basis
• Make sure you are getting all of the nutrients your body needs
The best candidates for Alevere Therapy are overweight or obese, but otherwise healthy. If you have a history of cardiovascular disease or any unstable medical conditions, Alevere Therapy may not be the right choice for you.
Additionally, Alevere Therapy is not suitable for women who are currently pregnant or anyone who has recently undergone major surgery.
If you’ve been diagnosed with diabetes, you may still be a candidate for Alevere Therapy; however, adjustments may need to be made to your current medication regimen. In general, candidates are chosen on a case-by-case basis. The only way to find if Alevere Therapy is right for you is to schedule a consultation.
Alevere Therapy is an effective, but highly involved weight loss programme for overweight or obese patients.
Through a combination of nutrition and body contouring, Alevere aims to produce a complete body transformation.
This weight loss programme differs from most other programmes currently on the market because it does more than just assist in weight loss; it aims to reduce some of the most undesirable side effects of weight loss, excess folds of skin and stubborn fat deposits.
Because Alevere Therapy is non-invasive and medically supervised by a physician, it also presents minimal risks, especially when compared to more drastic surgical interventions such as Bariatric Surgery.
Alevere Therapy is still relatively new to the market and there are currently no long term studies available to support its claims. However, according to case studies, the average patient can expect to lose 3 to 4 stones over a typical 3-month treatment plan.
Though Alevere Therapy appears to present a multitude of health benefits in addition to weight loss (such as a reduced risk of heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes), the major downside to Alevere Therapy appears to be cost. At £200+ per week, it may be difficult for most patients to afford.
Treatment is only available at designated Alevere Therapy centres across the UK, so make sure you’re going to the right place.