We are sorry but we currently do not have any Vaginal Surgery clinics in your area.

We have listed below the nearest clinics to Carraghy.

Types of Vaginal Surgery

The main types of vaginal surgery available in the UK are:


Female Genitalia Diagram

Labiaplasty or labia/lip reduction, sometimes also called vulvaplasty, where the labia minora or inner vaginal lips can be reduced in size and reshaped.

Vaginoplasty or vaginal rejuvenation/tightening, where the inner vagina walls and muscles can be reshaped and tightened to produce a more toned and tight vagina.

Hymenoplasty, or hymen repair/re-virgination, where a torn hymen is repaired or rebuilt to imply the virginal state of a women; this is most frequently done for religious, ethnic or cultural reasons with the utmost discretion.


Other less commonly practised procedures for vaginal enhancement include:


Hoodectomy, where the fold of skin or hood covering the clitoris, which can be large or elongated, is removed to expose more of the clitoris, with the aim of making it more sensitive. Currently only anecdotal evidence exists for any success with such a procedure.

Clitoropexy, where the position of the clitoris can be altered, such as repositioning a protruding clitoris.

(Note: these operations are not the same as female circumcision, practiced in some countries, which removes the clitoris and is a very controversial subject).

G-Spot Augmentation is a non-surgical procedure using dermal filler products such as collagen and hyaluronic acid injected into the G-spot area, with the aim of increasing the likelihood and intensity of the female orgasm. This technique is marketed under various names including G-Delight and G-Shot™.

And liposuction or fat transfer to the labia majora (outer lips) or pubic mound, to either reduce or enlarge these areas for a better aesthetic appearance.


For the purposes of this Treatment FAQ, we will only concentrate on the commonly performed procedures of labiaplasty, vaginoplasty and hymenoplasty.

What is the average cost of Vaginal Surgery?

Private costs for vaginal surgery range from £1,000 - £3,000 for labia reduction (labiaplasty), £2,500 - £4,500 for vaginal tightening/rejuvenation (vaginoplasty) and £1,700 - £3,000 for a hymen reconstruction (hymenoplasty).