Harley Street skin Clinic Sudbury

Ballingdon Hill, Sudbury, CO10 7LH

0207 Reveal Number

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Katie Hill, Director & CQC Registered Manager

Katie has a wealth of experience in clinical and operational Management, she is a passionate manager, committed to visible and compassionate leadership

Katie strives to ensure that our patients care is at the heart of Harley Street Clinic HS, she enjoys supporting and motivating the team positively to constantly aim to deliver high standards of care, improving the service and achieving excellent outcomes for patients on their pathway. With Katie’s positive attitude towards nurturing individuals interests and talents, we have created an extraordinary team, offering specialist services and facilities focused on providing an outstanding standard of service.

Katie has over 15 years of project management and customer service experience across a range of sectors, with a genuine passion and enthusiasm for the aesthetics industry and boosting patients confidence and self esteem. Her priority is to provide patients with a safe place to make an informed decision. Katie is an expert in Aesthetic treatments, procedures and skin care. Level 7 Diploma Leadership and management, VTCT Anatomy, Physiology & Pathology. Katie is a body positivity, mental health, and wellbeing advocate.

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Contact Harley Street skin Clinic Sudbury

One of our friendly advisors will contact you to answer any questions you have about Harley Street skin Clinic Sudbury.