Harley Street skin Clinic Sudbury

Ballingdon Hill, Sudbury, CO10 7LH

0207 Reveal Number

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Dr Sadequr Rahman, Doctor Aesthetic Medicine

Dr Rahman grew up in the Rhondda Valleys and studied medicine at King’s College London. He has been a practicing GP since 2003 and has practiced all over South Wales as a freelance and a partner GP. He has been studying cosmetic medicine since 2010 and has treated many satisfied clients. He also has a keen interest in nutrition, weight management and motivation.


In his spare time he writes a professional and personal blog, loves reading autobiographies and books on great leaders, and took up running as a serious hobby a few years ago. He makes it his business to understand what his clients’ needs and wishes are, so as best to accommodate them. He believes that everyone has the right to feel loved, confident, and empowered.


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Registration Organisation:
General Medical Council


Contact Harley Street skin Clinic Sudbury

One of our friendly advisors will contact you to answer any questions you have about Harley Street skin Clinic Sudbury.