Give Your Skin a Boost With a Chemical Peel

Dr Raquel Amado
By Dr Raquel Amado

Medical director of Dr Raquel Skin&Medical Cosmetics, Lvl 7 graduate&aesthetic awards finalist 2022. She is also a Lead Senior Clinical Mentor at Harley Academy.

Every day, the skin on your face is subjected to a lot of stress. From changes in climate and the sun’s harmful rays to your daily make-up and cleansing routine – all of this takes a toll on your skin’s natural health and appearance.

On top of a regular skincare regime, sometimes you need to give your skin a little extra help to keep it looking bright and supple. This is where chemical peels come into play.

In simple terms, a chemical peel can help rejuvenate your face by removing the outermost layer of skin, or epidermis – taking with it all those unwanted dead cells and encouraging the regrowth of new cells.

It makes your skin look fresher and younger, reducing fine lines, evening out skin tone and diminishing the appearance of blemishes and age spots

How effective are chemical peels

You can choose from superficial, medium and deep peels, which penetrate to different levels of the skin. Depending on your choice, the results will last different periods of time – but the deeper you go, the longer the recovery time and the higher the chance of side effects.

AlumierMD offers a wide range of light to medium facial peels, making them a safer option than a deep peel – but still offering a noticeable improvement to your complexion.

The peels use a variety of ingredients that can be customised to target your specific skin concerns – which is why I always conduct a free consultation with my clients before we decide on any clinical peel treatment.

How can a chemical peel improve your skin

The AlumierMD Glow Peel treatment is something I often recommend to clients looking for a more fresh-faced look. The Glow Peel makes use of a number of ingredients to achieve its results, including lactic acid, salicylic acid and resorcinol.

The outcome is skin that looks younger with fewer wrinkles and a more even complexion with less discolouration.

This peel can also help reduce acne by unclogging pores and encourages the generation of new, healthy skin cells.

After the peel, your face might feel more tender and be more sensitive than usual. Good aftercare of your skin is vital when you have any treatment, which is why I always include a gentle cleanser, moisturiser and SPF sunscreen in the price of my peel treatments. This regime is specially tailored to help your skin to recover and achieve the best results.

Your skin will begin to peel between three and five days after treatment; as the old skin peels away, healthy new skin is revealed – giving you that much-desired ‘glow’.

In order to maintain and prolong the effects of the Glow Peel, AlumierMD offers a wide range of products to enhance your experience – like the Recovery Balm, which uses ingredients like aloe and shea butter to cool and soothe your skin. How to make the most of your treatment is also an important part of my consultation process – meaning you stay fresh-faced for longer.

If you want to read more, the experts at Consulting Room really know what they're talking about and have put together some chemical peel, fine lines and wrinkles, complexion, sunscreen, AlumierMD, sunscreen and acne FAQs just for you. 

If you have more questions, you can use the chemical peel, fine lines and wrinkles, complexion, sunscreen, AlumierMD, sunscreen and acne treatment questions feature to talk to our panel of trained medical experts. 

If you're keen to get started with any of these treatments right away then you're in luck - those clever folks also have a list of trusted, accredited chemical peel, fine lines and wrinkles, complexion, sunscreen, AlumierMD, sunscreen and acne treatment clinics in your area.

Many thanks to the author of this blog Dr Raquel Amado who is from Dr Raquel Skin and Medical Cosmetics.

Throughout her career, Dr Raquel has understood that most people are looking for a reliable, honest relationship with their practitioner, which is why she takes the time to understand how her patients feel.

Dr Raquel is known for her friendly and caring manner, being discreet, and putting her patients at ease.

She is committed to the provision of safe, high-quality patient care in order to achieve the best outcomes for patients, and make them feel confident in their own skin.

Call Dr Raquel Skin and Medical Cosmetics on 01732 525 875 or visit

Thanks to the author

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