Can I Permanently Remove Body Hair?

Sara Cheeney
By Sara Cheeney

Sara Cheeney is a medically trained nurse practitioner, ZO Skin Health UK Trainer, and owner of the award-winning Pure Perfection Clinic in Rossett, Wales.

Trust us, we understand how much you crave permanent body hair removal.

At Pure Perfection Clinic, we’ve done just about everything you can imagine to get rid of unwanted body hair, shaving, waxing, epilating, tweezing – everything!

However, now as experienced aesthetics practitioners, we can assure you that there’s an easier way to feel more confident this summer. We cannot guarantee that the treatments we offer will banish your hair for good, but we can promise a significant reduction with permanent body hair removal.

Is Permanent Body Hair Removal A Myth?

Sadly, permanent body hair removal is something of a myth but ultimately, it depends on you and your body.

Some people may say that their hair didn’t grow back, whereas others will find that it does. This is simply because a number of different factors can cause your hair to grow, whether it’s hormonal changes, medication or medical conditions.

For example, if you have PCOS, you may find that your hair grows back faster than you’d expect. In cases such as these, we suggest top-up treatments to keep those pesky unwanted hairs at bay.

Is Permanent Body Hair Removal A Myth?

As we mentioned, laser hair removal does prove to be a method of permanent hair removal for many. We certainly don’t think the possibility that your hair could grow back should stop you from enjoying the confidence, and the time you’ll save! Laser treatments are perfect for those looking to ditch their razors in favour of a treatment that targets more than just the hair you can see on the surface of your skin.

At Pure Perfection, we specialise in Diolaze treatments by InMode. We use a diode laser beam to target the hair follicles themselves. The energy that is released heats the root of the hair, which damages, and in some cases even destroys the root!

This can work to prevent future hair growth, or reduce it significantly. If the root is destroyed, permanent body hair removal becomes much more likely, but this can take several treatments to accomplish. Diolaze technology covers a large treatment area, which makes the experience more convenient and much quicker for you. 

Following your treatment, you are likely to find that the hairs that do grow back are lighter, finer and fewer in quantity. After their first treatment, most of our patients see a 30% reduction in hair growth. Depending on your individual skin and hair type and your overall response to the treatment, we typically recommend 6-10 treatments for optimum results. Those with darker, thicker hair typically need more sessions than those with finer hair but our team will be able to give you more of an idea when you visit us. Don’t worry about feeling any pain either, you will only feel a slight warming of the treatment area, there’s no pain associated with permanent body hair removal.

Even if you think your hairs are too stubborn, we want to prove you wrong.

If you want to read more, the experts at Consulting Room really know what they're talking about and have put together some hair removal and laser hair removal treatment FAQs just for you. 

If you have more questions, you can use the hair removal and laser hair removal treatment questions feature to talk to our panel of trained medical experts. 

If you're keen to get started with any of these treatments right away then you're in luck - those clever folks also have a list of trusted, accredited hair removal and laser hair removal clinics in your area.

Sara Cheeney is a medically trained nurse practitioner, ZO Skin Health Faculty Member & UK Trainer and owner of the award-winning Pure Perfection Clinic in Chester, North Wales.

The experience with her own skin and confidence as a teenager was the starting point of the journey of becoming dual-trained as a nurse and a beauty therapist. Whilst studying the two she found that each profession could significantly enhance the other in terms of greater patient satisfaction. Sara consistently seeks out new knowledge, training and innovative technology that has helped pioneer Pure Perfection Clinic into the award-winning clinic it is today.

Give Pure Perfection Clinic a call on 01244 917 256 or visit for more information.


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