Tips for Getting the Last Bit Out of a Bottle of Azzalure

Lorna Jackson
By Lorna Jackson

Lorna was Editor of Consulting Room (, the UK's largest aesthetic information website, from 2003 to 2021.

Turn it this way, then turn it that way, jiggle it a bit... many practitioners have been concerned about the amount of wastage that they are encountering when using the Azzalure™ botulinum toxin vials, as they simply can’t get the last drops out!

With Azzalure, the manufacturers recommend that a practitioner puts only 0.62mls of bacteriostatic saline into each vial to reconstitute the botulinum toxin type A into its 125 Speywood units, i.e. 10 units per 0.05ml.

From this they can expect to lose up to 0.15mls by simply not being able to extract the last drops into their needle – that’s 30 units, almost 25% of the product!

This problem is not unique to Azzalure vials and was commonplace also with the Dysport® vials, but it doesn’t really matter as much with Dysport as the practitioner adds between 2.5mls and 3.5mls of saline to the vial so a 0.15ml loss is much less noticeable or even bothered about.

So if this is a problem for you, here are some little pearls of wisdom from Dr. Patrick Treacy on just how to drain that vial dry!

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