The Dawn of Professional Aesthetic Vlogger

Aesthetic Source
By Aesthetic Source

AestheticSource is the UK distributor of the award-winning NeoStrata and Exuviance skincare, peels and professional regimens

For a number of years now we've all witnessed the increase in so-called professional vloggers, video bloggers, (or influencers as some people call them) making a living providing lifestyle, beauty, and also skincare advice, plus promoting themselves as ‘experts’ in their subjects.

Those of you who have spent years cringing at the quality of information that has been given have suddenly had the time and space to play their game – and some of you have been very successful!

In this webinar, Lorna Bowes, CEO of AestheticSource, and Ron Myers from Consulting Room discuss how some practitioners have embraced video and webinars. We review different aspects of using this medium to establish yourself as an authority in your area of expertise.

Watch the 18-minute webinar below, a transcript is also available to read here.


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