The ACH Group Platform Launch

Andrew Hansford
By Andrew Hansford

Andrew Hansford:  is a powerhouse in aesthetics education, having founded ACHaesthetics he now has a dedicated training academy at Tower Bridge.

I am so proud to introduce The ACH Group which I believe is a first for the industry.

Sometimes we don’t have time to research a brand, equipment or new protocol. Plus, business practices can be daunting. We were, and this is where the groups seed was sewn.

The ACH Group is a subscription service, a repository of information from clinical trials, legal, HR, protocols, live treatments, round tables, networking, educational videos and webinars and much more.

Created due to the many questions I and many others have been asked over the years. A one-stop shop for information without bias and constantly updated with new information, interviews and innovations. We will do the hard work for you to be able to access the information in a clear and concise manner.

We want this to be a community, meaning anything you would like to understand or learn more about we are here to help with that, meaning that it will continue to grow with more valuable information.

The ACH Group Platform Launches at 6.30pm on the 14th of August.

Join the launch via zoom -


Welcome to The ACH Group...

At The ACH Group, we understand that the success of your business is important to you.

That’s why we are dedicated to helping you grow and support your business.

We strive to provide you with the tools and resources you need to make informed decisions and achieve your goals.

What you get:

  1. A finger on the pulse of the business world
  2. A repository for information, constantly updated
  3. Everything related to product, device and treatment information
  4. Business-related papers and templates
  5. Personal support through our one-of-a-kind (PY) program
  6. Discount on all courses through ACHaesthetics

Throughout every month:

  • Guest webinars
  • Updates on industry rules and regulations
  • Round table discussions with different industry professionals
  • Topic of the month webinars
  • Live demos
  • Constant support
  • Anything you would like to cover, we will do our best to accommodate


Clinical Support

An amazing array of information for you to enjoy, updated whenever anything new and exciting comes along:

  • Clinical studies
  • What are these protocols?
  • Product reviews / demos
  • Live treatments
  • Regular round table discussions
  • Educational videos, webinars and presentations
  • Nutrition

Business support

Many papers related to:

  • HR policies and procedures
  • Insurance and Consent
  • Legal documents
  • CPD
  • Networking
  • Health and safety

Personal Support

Specialisms relating you YOU!

Skills training:

Psychologically You (PY)

  • (PY) Personal Focus 
  • (PY) Skills Focus
  • (PY) Emotional Intelligence 
  • (PY) Counselling 


Our partners are related to all areas of the industry, chosen as the best of the best for you, from:

  • Business
  • Insurance
  • Devices
  • Products

and much more...



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