Sharps Waste Can Be Simple

Initial Medical
By Initial Medical

Initial Medical helps keep staff, customers and patients safe from the dangers of hazardous waste and infection spread.

For optimum safety in your aesthetic clinic, you should have designated disposal bins for sharps waste, such as needles and syringes. Initial Medical provides a comprehensive range of containers, as well as a specialist sharps bin collection and disposal service, to fulfil all of your needs.

Puncture-proof boxes and bins are colour-coded to help ensure that waste is correctly segregated, and in compliance with hazardous waste regulations.

Incorporating such systems inside your aesthetic clinic helps to protect staff and patients too by minimising accidental injuries from needles needing to be recapped.

A local Initial Medical expert will collect your waste regularly, to make following legislation simple and fuss-free in your clinic.

To learn more about effective waste solutions, and why sharps disposal is particularly important in your clinic, contact the Initial Medical team today.

To find out more, get in touch at 0808 304 7411 or visit the website today

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