Presentation: Is Your Accountant Giving You the Best Advice?
By is the most comprehensive and accurate aesthetic information resource for consumers, health and beauty journalists and clinics.

Amir is a qualified accountant with vast experience in dealing with accounting and tax affairs for small and medium size businesses. Having worked in public and private practice (including a number of clinics) helping clients set up their accounting systems and introduce controls to manage cash flow, Amir has developed a deep insight into the challenges faced by modern businesses. His hands on approach has helped a number of KPMG Small Business Accounting clients grow their businesses year on year.

As a small business owner, there are a myriad of different skillsets that you need to adopt to successfully drive your business forward.

One of the most critical, but often misunderstood aspects, is the ability to really analyse the numbers in your business.

The new generation of cloud based accounting systems, and regular monthly and quarterly reporting linked with an accountant who will help you to analyse and understand what’s really happening with the cash in your business will help you to plan for big investment decisions and squeeze more profits out of your clinic.


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