Presentation: Database Marketing
By is the most comprehensive and accurate aesthetic information resource for consumers, health and beauty journalists and clinics.

“KNOW your biggest asset – your customers! Simple strategies to make the most of your customer data” What are you currently doing with all of the information and data that you harvest from customers? Would you like to turn it into an opportunity to boost productivity and profits? Whether you’re working from a ‘little black book’ or the latest cloud-based CRM system, there’s something in this roadshow event for you… This event will support you to build a plan for creating valuable management information that will allow you to benchmark success, track trends in customer activity and satisfaction and allow you to plan your marketing efforts in a strategic and targeted fashion. We will determine the most important key performance metrics for an aesthetic practice as well as a step-by-step guide to segmenting your customers into targeted cohorts for outbound marketing activities.

The Allergan Business Centre is part of the Allergan Medical Institute and is dedicated to providing practical business insights to medical aesthetic clinics by delivering progressive training and education to clinicians, practice staff and management teams. They deliver business advice through: Online Video Training, Business Roadshows held all over the UK & Ireland and individual one-to-one meetings with one of their Business Consultants.

Presented by Dan Parry

Dan is a Senior Business Consultant with Allergan’s European Business Consulting Team. He specialises in the areas of strategy, financial analysis, practice efficiency, marketing and training, together with other general practice management issues.

He has more than 20 years experience in sales, marketing, training and general management gained through working in the pharmaceutical industry in the UK and across Europe. Prior to joining Allergan, he served in a variety of management roles in a leading pharmaceutical & healthcare company, including country Business Manager Ireland, European Sales Manager and National Training & Development Manager, as well as front line sales and marketing experience.

He earned his BSc(Hons) in Biochemistry from the University of Lancaster and has completed numerous management and industry courses, gaining his MBA in 2004.

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