Plastic Surgery Statistics 2010

Lorna Jackson
By Lorna Jackson

Lorna was Editor of Consulting Room (, the UK's largest aesthetic information website, from 2003 to 2021.

From January 1st 2010 to 31st December 2010 just over 1.2 million individual sessions were served by, with an average of just over 100,000 people visiting the website each month.

This shows a rise on our 2009 figures and brings us back in line with our 2007 web traffic figures, prior to the onset of the current economic conditions, which would lead us to conclude that confidence is returning to consumer spending, particularly in relation to luxuries such as beauty treatments and more expensive elective cosmetic surgery.

However with the increase in VAT at the start of 2011 from 17.5% to 20% and the application of VAT to purely cosmetic treatments to be heavily scrutinised by HM Revenues & Customs in the coming years, the uncertainty over the demand for cosmetic and aesthetic treatments is palpable. Yet an ageing set of ‘baby-boomers’ (those born from 1946 to 1964) who maintain a disposable income is likely to continue to facilitate growth in the coming years.

Yet again, around 320,000 searches were made using our database by people searching for a clinic or practitioner providing a specific treatment, procedure or product in 2010.

This represents a level performance on 2009 figures and shows that there are a significant number of people visiting The Consulting Room™ seriously looking for information with an intention to actually visit a clinic for treatment.

7 Year Consulting Room Traffic StatisticsIn general however, our seven year traffic performance (see graph to right) continues to show a healthy trend for the site in the current climate as we recover somewhat from recession, and of course demonstrates growth since launch in May 2003.

Total page views for the site during this year were just over 4.6 million, up 1 million on 2009 data. That’s a rise of almost 28% on last year! This shows that of those people visiting, they are staying longer and reading more pages within our site.
Overall, we believe that these figures reinforce our position as the UK’s No.1 specialist aesthetic information website - even though there are now many more information and clinic directory websites competing for traffic than there were a few years ago with several new high profile launches in recent years such as,, and (formerly 

For members of the cosmetic industry seeking to establish or strengthen their web presence, we offer professional advice and assistance on how to do so effectively.
As statistics concerning the UK market place are lacking, we believe that our breakdown of statistics provided below is one of the most authoritative in terms of reflecting the UK consumer’s interest in different cosmetic procedures marketed in this country.

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