Elevate Your Aesthetics Business at Wigmore Presents

Wigmore Medical
By Wigmore Medical

Wigmore Medical are the industry stalwart, providing medical aesthetic practitioners with everything they need to deliver impeccable results.

Ready to boost your clinic’s revenue?

Join us at Wigmore Presents 2024 to discover insider business tips from industry experts. Gain invaluable insights on scaling your business and enhancing your clinic offerings to deliver optimal outcomes for both you and your patients.

Did you know that you can now get 20% off registration when you purchase 3 or more tickets. Simply enter code WP20D at checkout.

Book your ticket today.

Highlights include...

  • How to say ‘no’ to a patient
    Speaker: Dr Aamer Khan
    Join internationally renowned Dr Aamer Khan as he covers one of the hardest things you may come across in your aesthetic practice when you have to say no to a patient. Dr Khan will discuss why and how sometimes it is not only a benefit to the patient to say no, but also to your own business and reputation.
  • Microneedling: combining treatments to optimise and upsell
    Speaker: Anna Baker
    Within this session, Anna Baker will share her experience, custom protocols and case studies of combining microneedling with a number of modalities.
  • Matching skincare ranges to cover your patients’ skin and budget
    Speaker: Amanda Demosthenous
    The skincare industry offers a vast array of products, making it challenging for individuals to choose the most suitable skincare range that aligns with their skin type and budget. This talk aims to present a personalised approach to matching skincare ranges with patients’ specific needs, considering both their skin requirements and financial constraints.
  • Why you need a skincare range in a predominantly injectable clinic
    Speaker: Dr Anna Hemming
    With so much on offer within medical aesthetics, it can be difficult to know where to position yourself within this ever-growing marketplace. Join Dr Anna Hemming where she will share progressive business approaches you can use to find your core philosophy and clinic focus.


Don’t miss out on a weekend packed full of educational insight and discovery - get your ticket today via the website wigmorepresents.com.

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