Botox Sales in UK Economic Crisis and The Outlook is Good!

Sarah Brechon
By Sarah Brechon

Sarah Brechon regularly Blogs and writes articles about the cosmetic surgery and medical aesthetic industries.

As the Financial Times announced a rapid increase in Botox sales in Europe, Botox training courses at Cosmetic Courses have also risen throughout the year. These encouraging statistics (illustrated by the graph) show that, despite the continuing economic crisis, all is not doom and gloom in the world of aesthetic medicine.

This is very positive news for medical professionals considering botox training as an option for their futures.

But surely the findings are also surprising: why would people be turning to aesthetic treatments at a time when many are having to make cuts on their weekly food shop and worrying about fuel or home expenses? In a statement to the Financial Times, chief executive David Pyott of Botox manufacturer Allergan revealed that beauty is so deeply embedded into the culture of today’s Europeans that many would prefer to make sacrifices in other areas (even those many would consider everyday necessities) than give up their Botox habit.

Botox sales and training a big hit in the UK

Whatever the reasoning, this is undoubtedly good news for aesthetic medical professionals considering their employment options. At leading UK aesthetic training provider Cosmetic Courses, numbers of delegates booking onto the foundation level Botox training course have been on a steady increase all year. This introductory level Botox training course is the first step for medical professionals looking to begin their medical aesthetic career before going on to the Advanced Level training (Fillers and more complex Botox techniques), tailored 1-1 modules or courses in other aesthetic methods like Dermaroller Therapy or Skin Peels.

Asked why she thinks so many medical professionals have entered medical aesthetic training in 2011, despite the economic crisis, Cosmetic Courses manager Rachael Langford replied:

“They’re worried about the current problems in the NHS. One woman we spoke to yesterday wants to start her family in 2 or 3 years but her current medical career wouldn’t allow for it. She felt that doing Botox training alongside would give her the option. Similarly, people coming up to retirement want to do Botox training to ease up their normal hours in the NHS. Working ridiculously long hours to rigid schedules can be far more draining than any economic crisis – Botox training can provide the chance of a better quality of life with more time to do what you want around your working hours.”


If you want to read more, the experts at Consulting Room really know what they're talking about and have put together Botulinum ToxinBotoxAzzalureDysportBocoutureXeomin, and also lines and wrinkles FAQs just for you. 

If you have more questions, you can use the Botulinum ToxinBotoxAzzalureDysportBocoutureXeomin and also lines and wrinkles questions feature to talk to our panel of trained medical experts. 

If you're keen to get started with any of these treatments right away then you're in luck - those clever folks also have a list of trusted, accredited Botulinum ToxinBotoxAzzalureDysportBocoutureXeomin and also line and wrinkle clinics in your area.

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