BACN Autumn Aesthetic Conference Named Finalist at Awards

The British Association of Cosmetic Nurses (BACN)
By The British Association of Cosmetic Nurses (BACN)

An award-winning professional association for Aesthetic Nurses. A community united to drive standards, education, and support.

BACN Autumn Aesthetic Conference Named Finalist for Best Association Event at the Conference and Events Awards 2024

The British Association of Cosmetic Nurses (BACN) is thrilled to announce that its flagship event, the BACN Autumn Aesthetic Conference, has been selected as a finalist for the esteemed Best Association Event category at the Conference and Events Awards 2024.

The Best Association Event category acknowledges events that demonstrate outstanding achievement in delivering memorable experiences, fostering meaningful connections, and driving industry advancement. This nomination reflects the dedication and collaborative efforts of our team, sponsors, and delegates who have led to the success of our conference.

The BACN Autumn Aesthetic Conference is two-day conference and exhibition is a platform to showcase the best in aesthetic nursing practices, and the largest event directed towards Medical Aesthetics nurses in the UK. It stands as a testament to BACN's commitment to excellence and innovation in the field of aesthetic nursing.

Following the pause to in-person events caused by COVID-19, the 2022 and 2023 edition of the conference witnessed a transformative restructuring, placing a renewed emphasis on clinical excellence and inclusivity. BACN introduced educational sessions on complications, incorporated a fully clinical space for live treatments, and prioritised diversity in speaker representation with emphasis on getting more nurses on stage. This commitment to empowerment and inclusivity has driven professionalism forward and set new standards for industry events.

Gareth Lewis, Head of Operations for the BACN said, “We’re so proud to be finalists for Best Association Event for our Autumn Aesthetic Conference. As a team we work very hard to ensure this event delivers a quality experience for all our members and uplifts nurses. For our conference to be held up as an example of excellence alongside some of the biggest association events in the UK is an incredible feeling.”


The BACN extends its gratitude to the Conference and Events Awards for recognising the BACN Autumn Aesthetic Conference as a finalist. The association also congratulates all fellow finalists for their remarkable achievements and looks forward to the upcoming judging process.

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