Sutha Bausbacher

Sutha Bausbacher started her career as a specialised theatre nurse in Germany after completing her nursing diploma there. She swiftly moved to England and continued practising her nursing skills, which included work in the theatre and on major plastic cases. She has now accumulated over 25 years of nursing experience and prides herself on top patient care.

Sutha founded Sutha Aesthetics in August 2019 where her love for patient care was allowed to grow in the aesthetic field. Her love for learning supported this and Sutha became an advanced aesthetic nurse prescriber. Through navigating the world of aesthetics Sutha has found her passions lie with regenerative medicine which seeks solutions through healing tissues and restoring function.

Sutha provided treatments which use polynucleotides, exomes, platelet-rich plasma and Sculptra which have proven to show amazing results for her clients. Treatments for hair loss and rejuvenation are just the surface of what can be provided. Her passion for working with people from inside to out is also shown through treatments such as Intravenous vitamin boosters. The client's wishes are always at the forefront, and Sutha provides many other treatments such as dermal fillers, anti-wrinkle injections and skin boosters.

Sutha prides herself on high-quality and safe care. She strives to meet patients' expectations and ensures everyone feels welcome. She is enthusiastic about welcoming you.


Rethinking Medical Aesthetics