Aesthetic Podcast - A Different Way to Build an Audience
By is the most comprehensive and accurate aesthetic information resource for consumers, health and beauty journalists and clinics.

I was introduced to the idea of podcasts by my “millennial” daughter (Zoe) a couple of years ago and now follow and listen to content that interests me when in the car, or when exercising.

During lockdown in 2020, Zoe said she wanted to create her own audio content and set about launching “The Get into Skin” podcast.

She has had a positive response from her audience, and evidence of sales outside of her current database, as it provides another aspect to her “content creation” platform (that can also be transcribed and repurposed, of course).

In this 10-minute webinar, I have asked her to go through the exact process of how she set this up, the hardware and software that she bought, costs and the type of content that she has created. To watch the webinar, click the video below.

With an increasing number of people listening to podcasts (an estimated 10 million/week in the UK), it may be that producing this type of “Evergreen” (i.e. stuff that stays around forever vs social media feeds) content is a strategy worth exploring. This is especially the case if you are seeking to engage with millennials who are disproportionate consumers of this content format.

NB: This resource website could give you some additional ideas about podcasts linked to personal branding:

It is no secret that in the aesthetic market, displaying expertise through video, written and audio content is the key to fast-tracking your journey of building a successful business. People (who don’t know you or what you do) will be attracted to well-crafted educational content that gives them confidence that you “know your onions”.

We’ve encouraged our Members to produce short-form 3 minute “answering questions” content on your phone while in lockdown (aka the video content creation challenges), alongside blogs and other “evergreen” content that will display and evidence your expertise – because it works.

If you stick with generic “I’m an expert” copy on your website without actually proving it, it's going to be a lot tougher to compete with the increasing number of practitioners who “get” that they need to share their knowledge to properly engage with their potential market in today’s world.


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