Clinic Sese

Ground Floor The Spencer Private Hospitals, Ramsgate Rd, Margate, CT9 4BG

0739 Reveal Number

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What happens when you come to Clinic Sese?

What happens when you come to Clinic Sese? On your first visit,your initial consultation,we will discuss which treatments your are interested in having and the results you are hoping to achieve. We will explore all the different options available to you and together create your personalised treatment plan. On the day of your treatment I will ensure you are as comfortable as possible and use the most appropriate pain relief for the treatment you are having. Every treatment detail and product used is recorded in your notes to ensure we have an accurate record of your treatments and this enables us to monitor your results and make adjustments if required. The clinic is a safe confidential space in a beautiful discreet setting where you can relax and rest assured everything we discuss remains completely private. If you have any questions about any treatments or want to book your appointment just DM,e-mail or telephone me.

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Contact Clinic Sese

One of our friendly advisors will contact you to answer any questions you have about Clinic Sese.

Clinic Sese Opening Times

Mon: Closed - Closed

Tue: Closed - Closed

Wed: 10.00 - 18.30

Thu: 10.00 - 20.00

Fri: Closed - Closed

Sat: 10.00 - 18.30

Sun: Closed - Closed