Young Mum Dies Days After Turkish Brazilian Bum-Lift

Vicky Eldridge
By Vicky Eldridge

Vicky Eldridge is an award-winning journalist and editor. She has specialised in the aesthetics industry for 18 years.

A 26-year-old British mum-of-three has tragically died after getting a Brazilian bum-lift operation in Turkey. 

Demi Agoglia, 26, from Salford, Greater Manchester, is thought to have suffered cardiac arrests after returning to the clinic in Istanbul for a check-up following the surgery, The Sun reported. 

Butt lift

Her partner, Bradley Jones, desperately tried to give her CPR before she was rushed to intensive care, where she later died. Her youngest son is just seven month old.

The British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons have previously raised concerns about cosmetic surgery tourism and the risks of BBL procedures and Patient safety guidelines drawn up by BAAPS in November may become the international standard in guidelines for cosmetic tourism. 

Simon Withy, ex-president of BAAPS, attended a meeting with the Department of Health in Turkey. He said, “Cosmetic tourism is hurting the industry and the UK and Turkey are trying to find a way to readdress the balance. Reputable Turkish surgeons are also concerned by the significant numbers of patients returning to the UK with bad complications.

“It’s not just about cost although this is a significant factor for many. There is a normalisation that Turkey is THE destination for cosmetic surgery because of heavy advertising. People considering some types of surgery automatically think about Turkey, almost like word association.”

Dr Omar Tillo – Plastic Surgeon and Medical Director at Creo Clinic in London, commented, ‘’When thinking about having surgery in another country, it's not just about finding a good surgeon. Sure, there are skilled surgeons in places like Turkey, but there are other important factors to consider in the whole process. If, unfortunately, something goes wrong after surgery, it might not be because the surgery itself went badly. Complications like blood clots, infections, or hidden health issues could show up later. This is why it's really important to thoroughly check.”

In this deeply sorrowful situation, it appears that the patient faced a tragic outcome a few days after the surgery. This suggests that the surgery itself went well without immediate issues. However, the cause of death seems to have arisen later, possibly from complications like a blood clot, sepsis, or an undetected existing medical condition that went unnoticed during the admission process.’’

Here are Dr Tillo’s tips:

  1. General Medical Standards: The overall healthcare system and how things are done might be different in another country. This can affect the quality of care you receive before, during, and after surgery.
  2. Anaesthesia Practices: How anaesthesia is given and monitored can vary. Differences in how drugs are administered and the care you get after being put to sleep can pose risks if they're not following the usual safety rules
  3. Instrument Sterilisation: Making sure all the surgical instruments are properly cleaned and sterilised is critical. If this isn't done well, it could lead to serious infections after surgery.
  4. Nursing Care: The care you get from the nursing staff is really important. How they look after you before, during, and after surgery can affect how well you recover.
  5. Recovery Procedures: What happens after the surgery, including how they monitor you and help you get better, can be different. The way they handle your recovery can affect how smoothly things go.
  6. Aftercare Services: Getting good care after surgery is crucial. This includes follow-up visits, keeping an eye out for possible problems, and giving you guidance on how to take care of yourself.
  7. Emergency Response: Being prepared for unexpected problems is key. Knowing how well the healthcare team can handle emergencies and having access to life-saving treatments is crucial.

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