What is the Best Treatment for Acne?

Anna Kremerov
By Anna Kremerov

Anna Kremerov is an award-winning Nurse Practitioner known for Aesthetic Medicine and non-surgical procedures.

Waking up as a teenager and seeing a nice juicy whitehead on your chin was always annoying and frustrating but was just put down to puberty or hormones.

Waking up as an adult and seeing that almighty mountain that has formed on your chin just doesn’t seem as easily dismissed, and we often think to ourselves;

‘I’m not a teenager anymore, why am I still breaking out?’

Although acne can be more common in teenage years, it’s important to note that anyone, at any age can suffer. It can be a frustrating and debilitating condition and can not only have an impact physically but mentally too. 

It’s a common condition that many of us will experience in our lives.

According to the NHS, around 95% of people aged 11-30 are affected by acne at some point. There are many different types of acne breakouts, such as blackheads, whiteheads, papules and pustules amongst others.

Acne scarring can be a frustrating reminder of the acne that might now be under control – there are treatment options available for this. 

Treatments for acne

Hormones, stress, genetics and medication can contribute to acne and there are different acne treatment options available that can control and reduce acne symptoms like chemical peels and the use of medical-grade skincare products at home.

It’s important to note that maintenance of the skin and keeping acne at bay is a life-long commitment and does require some work.

As much the acne treatments that you have and the products that you use are the most important elements to consider when controlling acne, there are a few other factors that you might not even think about to keep in mind:

Change Your Pillowcase Regularly

Change Your Pillowcase Regularly

In all honesty, when was the last time you changed your bedsheets?

According to a 1000-person survey by bedding reviewer Mattress Advisor, the majority of people change their sheets every 24.4 days. That’s over 3 weeks of sleeping in the same sheets.

Would you wear the same clothing for 3 weeks?

Even if you can’t be bothered to change your sheets, if you’re suffering from breakouts it might be worth ensuring your face is being placed onto a clean pillow, not one that’s crawling with bacteria.

Take Your Makeup off Before Bed. Properly!

There is no point investing in your medical-grade skincare products if you’re not going to use them properly.

Take your time when cleansing, maybe even treat yourself to a double cleanse and if there is such a thing as face wipes in your house, please chuck them in the bin!

Make sure you rinse your hair conditioner off of your face (and just avoid getting it on your face in the first place if you can)

A hair conditioner is designed to seal the hair and make it super shiny and smooth. That’s great news for your luscious locks but not such great news for your skin. Conditioners can be comedogenic (blocks pores) and lead to breakouts. 

Although acne can feel like the most frustrating and embarrassing condition, there is nothing to be embarrassed about. Acne doesn’t just mean that you ‘don’t wash your face properly’. It is a recognised skin condition that requires treatment and commitment in order to achieve the clear skin you’ve always dreamt of.

If you want to read more, the experts at Consulting Room really know what they're talking about and have put together acne, scarring, chemical peels and specialist skin creme FAQs just for you.

If you have more questions, you can use the acne, scarring, chemical peels and specialist skin creme questions feature to talk to our panel of trained medical experts. 

If you're keen to get started with any of these treatments right away then you're in luck - those clever folks also have a list of trusted, accredited acne, scarring, chemical peels and specialist skin creme clinics in your area.

Anna Kremerov is an award-winning nurse practitioner known for aesthetic medicine and non-surgical procedures. Founder and medical director of the Anna Medical Aesthetics clinic in Swindon – she has earned an impeccable reputation with industry-leading 100% 5-star Google and Trustpilot excellent reviews.

Call Anna Medical Aesthetics on 01793 959 010 or visit her website Anna Medical Aesthetics.

Thanks to the author

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