Can You Self-Inject Botox and Fillers?

Antonia Mariconda
By Antonia Mariconda

Antonia Mariconda also known as The Cosmedic Coach is recognised as a leading authority on health, beauty and cosmetic surgery in the UK.

The Safety in Beauty Campaign is aware of a number of complaints being brought forward by members of the public self-injecting dermal fillers and botulinum toxin after watching You Tube Beauty Vloggers and self professed “experts’ publish on line video tutorials.

The rising amount of botched cases and complaints being made has now reached a peak, with over 17 complaints lodged at The Safety in Beauty Campaign in the first week of March 2016 alone.

Worried parents are calling the campaign to report teenagers as young as 15 watching video tutorials and buying substandard products on the internet.

The danger of doing this means that non CE marked products are being injected into human skin when no verifiable source of origin or ingredients are specified on some online products.

Adults are causing substantial damage to their health, looks and wellbeing by the following advice from amateur vloggers and bloggers on the social media circuit.

Nobody in their right mind should be wielding a needle of any kind in the public domain, let alone professing that it is harmless.

Self-professed experts such as YouTube Vlogger ‘Duchess of Dermis’ are frankly alarming, and a public menace and should be banned from YouTube.

Self injection of Botox

In one of her video tutorials: “The Duchess” claims that “It is so easy to do, and I am going to show you how to angle the needle and inject yourself, it is so exciting

Wearing no gloves, and cleaning her face with a standard make-up wipe, the vlogger proceeds to push a needle into her skin, giggling in between with excitement.

This week when The Safety in Beauty Campaign published a series of risky YouTube tutorials online on their campaign Facebook page, a string of industry experts, and public safety supporters slammed the practice as shocking:

Nouf Skarsgard said: “No aspiration and injecting on a 2nd plane. Absolutely shocking. She’s on the right track for vascular occlusion of the angular artery."

Naomi Jones was horrified and said: “I couldn't watch it more than a minute!! Unbelievable ….that is all.

Lorna Jackson stated: “Speechless. So many things wrong and more wrong and even wronger!

Lyn Anderson added: “Change our skins’??? Her face is completely uneven, this is scary!!!

Amba Morris concluded: “Honestly why would you do this yourself scary how stupid some people are.

The potential for disaster is real and serious.

The risks of dermal fillers depend on who performs them and the type of filler used.

General risks of dermal fillers include:

  • Rashes, swelling, itching and bruising
  • The filler may move away from the injected treatment area over time
  • You may have an immediate allergic reaction to the filler, which can lead to anaphylaxis
  • In rare cases, the filler may form lumps under the skin, which may need to be treated with surgery or medication
  • In rare cases, the filler could block a blood vessel, which can lead to tissue death (necrosis), permanent blindness or a pulmonary embolism
  • Anaphylaxis is a medical emergency, if you do make the ill-advised decision to inject yourself, make sure to call 999 immediately if you’re having a serious allergic reaction to the filler. You also should seek immediate medical help if you lose sensation in your skin, the treated area is extremely painful, or it becomes discoloured.
Self injection vloggers causing public harm

Non-surgical cosmetic procedures, such as Botox and fillers, can be used to alter your appearance without the need for surgery.

They are a popular alternative to surgical procedures. However, these procedures aren’t regulated in the UK.

A variety of non-surgical procedures are carried out in hospitals, clinics and beauty salons by doctors, dentists, nurses and advanced trained aestheticians.  

The Safety in Beauty Campaign advises that you should make sure the person offering the treatment is adequately trained and experienced, ideally medically trained, so they can deliver the treatment competently and safely

You should also make sure you know what the procedure involves, what the possible complications and side effects are, and who you should contact if you have any issues afterwards.

If you want to read more, the experts at Consulting Room really know what they're talking about and have put together some who should you trust to do your botox?, what areas can be treated with botox?, botulinum toxin, lines and wrinklesdermal fillerslip fillers, and also JUVÉDERM®Botox®Bocouture® FAQs just for you. 

If you have more questions, you can use the botulinum toxin, lines and wrinklesdermal fillerslip fillers, and also JUVÉDERM®Botox®Bocouture® questions feature to talk to our panel of trained medical experts. 

If you're keen to get started with any of these treatments right away then you're in luck - those clever folks also have a list of trusted, accredited botulinum toxin, lines and wrinklesdermal fillerslip fillers and also JUVÉDERM®Botox®Bocouture® clinics in your area.

Many thanks to the author of this blog Antonia Mariconda who is also known as The Cosmedic Coach is recognised as a leading authority on health, beauty and cosmetic surgery in the UK.

She is a national health and beauty journalist and the Author of “Acne" -The Essential Guide(Forward Press Need to Know Series), The Cosmetic Surgery Companion – Look and Feel Beautiful (Apple Press) “Foot Care” The Essential Guide (Forward Press Need to Know Series), “PIP Implants – The Essential Guide” (Forward Press Need to Know Series), she is currently writing her 5th book on The Psychology and Screening of the Cosmetic Patient.

Thanks to the author

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